JoinedPosts by ironsnake656
Episode 6 - Life Gets Dark As One Of Jehovah's Witnesses - Is Live Now
by dubstepped inepisode 6 of this jw life is now live.
it is a brutally honest, at times dark, look into what it was like behind the scenes in our lives.
people don't talk openly about ugly parts of their lives and it leads to other people feeling alone when theirs gets ugly.
Seth Andrews. "The Thinking Athiest" If you have not yet heard of him, do yourself a favour!
by stuckinarut2 infor those who now lean toward non-belief in religion or theism or deism, or who identify as atheist, you have to check out all of seth andrews work!he was raised as a fundamentalist christian in the usa, and was a pastor, and christain radio host until he awoke.
he now is an atheist and hosts a great podcast called "the thinking athiest".
you will find great videos on youtube, as well as his weekly podcast:.
Here is the podcast of JWs
And the one of the End of the World
Very interesting info!!
Seth Andrews. "The Thinking Athiest" If you have not yet heard of him, do yourself a favour!
by stuckinarut2 infor those who now lean toward non-belief in religion or theism or deism, or who identify as atheist, you have to check out all of seth andrews work!he was raised as a fundamentalist christian in the usa, and was a pastor, and christain radio host until he awoke.
he now is an atheist and hosts a great podcast called "the thinking athiest".
you will find great videos on youtube, as well as his weekly podcast:.
Yeah!! Seth Andrews!! I heard his podcasts when I was in the process of fading. There is one podcast about JW's and there he interviewed some ex-JW's. Also, he talked with one ex-JW in a podcast related with the End of Times. Pretty interesting the topics discussed by this guy. The problem is that is no too popular because his agenda is atheism. I recommend to listen his shows.
My awakening and concern
by Issa ingood evening everyone, i go by issa.
as many former ex-witnesses, i "woke up" from believing that the jw org is the "truth".
this happened during this month thanks to information from jw-facts and youtube videos about ex-witnesses' experience in this org.
Welcome Issa!! It is good to hear that you are waking up from the "truth", and your story is very interesting. As Sheperdless commented, you need to take time, don't rush in give or introduce a lot of info, since this will be perceived negatively by your family. Try to do more research and get knowledge in order to explain with reasoning to your family your point of views.
Some Good News About Me (Although Anthony Morris Will Be Furious)
by pale.emperor injust wanted to share with you some good news i'm really excited about.
i have been accepted for university to study psychology and counseling.
my goal is to become a counselor and, in time, to specialize on treating those who have left high control relationships/groups like we all did.. it'll take a few years before im qualified but studying in university has been a dream of mine since i was 12, which was systematically dashed to pieces by watchtower.. .
Congratulations, Pale Emperor!!!
My story...
by ironsnake656 ini would like to share my brief experience about my life from liberal jw to a ex-jw.
as i told you in my first post, i'm from juarez, mexico.
i'm second generation born-in, well not really... my mother knew jwland in 1968 and a year later, she got baptized.
Nice to meet you Heartsatfire!!1 Glad we are pretty near!!!
you are welcome Pete Zahut and Kiddingme!!!
Never a JW: They decided to open a Noa Noa bar (not the original one) as a memory for Juan Gabriel... Regarding psychology, there is a new and unexplored field named psychology of religion. I will post some articles and information about the new research regarding cults, beliefs, spirituality, etc. from the psychology point of view....
My story...
by ironsnake656 ini would like to share my brief experience about my life from liberal jw to a ex-jw.
as i told you in my first post, i'm from juarez, mexico.
i'm second generation born-in, well not really... my mother knew jwland in 1968 and a year later, she got baptized.
Thank you LoisLane looking for Superman! Actually, the English field is relatively new in Mexico, and few American JW came down to preach in Spanish. The first English congregations were located in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato and Mexico City, because there are big communities of US JW's there. And yes, the increase in English field has been noticeable in vacation spots like Guaymas, Cancun, and Puerto Vallarta. The problem here recurrent is the conflict between cultures... brothers that come from NA are not well seen by brothers from Mexico, due to the liberal attitude regarding drink and parties. The brothers in Mexico are, apparently, more formal in the dynamics and liturgy in the JWland.
My story...
by ironsnake656 ini would like to share my brief experience about my life from liberal jw to a ex-jw.
as i told you in my first post, i'm from juarez, mexico.
i'm second generation born-in, well not really... my mother knew jwland in 1968 and a year later, she got baptized.
Hi everyone!!
I would like to share my brief experience about my life from liberal JW to a ex-JW.
As I told you in my first post, I'm from Juarez, Mexico. I'm second generation born-in, well not really... my mother knew JWland in 1968 and a year later, she got baptized. Then her family (mother, sisters and nephews) became JW. She survived the big A in 1975 :)
According with the stories she told me, she was considered as a "liberal" JW, because every time she questioned the authority of the elders in her congregation, so that she get involved with a worldly person: my father. She was df'd when I was born. By the photos taken in that time, and some stories told by some relatives, my mother celebrated one birthday for me when I was two years old. Then, she was reinstated and began attending meetings. She became then a "hardcore" publisher, and took us (my brother, my sister and me) with her in the meetings. My father never got baptized, and never opposed my mother to being JW or taking us to the meeting.I became unbaptized publisher at the age of 12, and baptized at the age of 15.
The memories I have about that time were always an environment of total control from our parents and brothers inside the congregation. Influenced by this environment and indoctrination, I signed up for regular pioneer during two years. Those years were hard for me, since I was the only male pioneer from 10 pioneer sisters. The lack of love and comprehension from elders (one time they gave me counsel for not shaving my mustache!) discouraged me to continue pioneering. Due to economic constraints, I decided to find a full time job, despite the opposition from my mother.
The good thing above all was that in our family the education/school is considered something valuable. Although I was working full time, and attending the responsibilities as a publisher in the JW, I finished high school. But I was not fully happy with my achievements, and I enrolled in the university. During this time I met my wife. She came in the same background as me, but was raised in a complete "liberal" congregation (In Mexico is very common to identify the conservative and liberal congregations inside a city area or in the country. Mexico southern states are more conservative than northern). When we got married, we moved near her congregation. Here, I was promoted as MS and then as elder. I finished my bachelor degree in psychology (irony) during this time. When attending university, something was not sound good inside the org, but due to cognitive dissonance and fear to know the TTATT, I did not evaluate deeply my beliefs, although I learnt tools to be more critic and evaluate information during the stance in univ.
I had the opportunity to give therapy and counseling to many people as a part-time job, both inside and outside JWland, and here were I took notice about the high rate of depression, anxiety, obsession, and other mental disorders among JW's. Then, a new opportunity was given in one of the companies I was working to get a second bachelor degree in USA. In this time, my family (my wife and my son) moved to an English congregation (btw I'm so grateful to learn English because through this language I had access to more invaluable info and knowledge).
After finishing this degree, I started to listen some podcasts shows, specially from Olallo Rubio (a Mexican filmmaker and broadcaster from Mexico City) which influenced and helped me to develop a critic attitude toward authority, politics, religion, media, history, and music. Then, I was hired as a Adjunct Professor in a public university teaching Psychology courses. Sometimes I had commendations and criticism from JW's for my job. During this job, I finished my master degree in Educational Research, and the formation given there impressed me more in the way of evaluating information, and how important is the education for society.
In the mid 30's of my age, I experienced a midlife crisis. I entered in deep depression (caused by the fact of demand me perfection in my career and problems with self-steem) that led me in suicidal tendencies. I asked for help inside the org, but i did not receive it. Two times I wanted to finish my life. Here is when I started to question the "truth". Like three years I was dealing with my depression (I went to therapy and medications). In the meantime, I started to read CoC of Raymond Franz and the Gentile Times Reconsidered books. From here, I permeated deeply in the TTATT from different sources: internet (thank you jwfacts, this forum, jwsurvey), books published by JW (Finished Mystery), history books (Apocalypse Delayed), and so on. For this information, I started to fade out. By doing this, I started to see the life in a different way, with purpose. And my depression went down.
Actually, I don't go to meetings, field service, and assemblies.
In next posts I will expose more about my opinions about the JWland and what are my goals, because I want to be activist in the area I live.
A judge in Mexico authorizes blood transfusion to a JW raramuri girl...
by ironsnake656 ini everyone, this is my new and first post.
i have like 4 years reading all the stuff in this forum and i like it!!!!
thank you for all your information that helped me to get out from the jwland.
Nice to meet you Shook, and I hope to receive a lot of blessings!!!
Dothemath - Nice to meet you. Yeah, you are right, there is a lot of stories telling the growth of JW in Mexico, I think that is something related with the culture, because not only JW's are growing, but other churches like Mormons, Evangelicals, and others. I will discuss this topic in the future.
Never a jw - Yeah, I'm from Chih. I live in Juarez actually. I went to the Juarez Autonomous University. Nice to meet you, and I'm happy to post in this forum!!!
unshacklethechains & smiddy - Nice to meet you too!! Hope this change soon, that judges or legislators put an eye in issues related with individual rights vs religious rights.
A judge in Mexico authorizes blood transfusion to a JW raramuri girl...
by ironsnake656 ini everyone, this is my new and first post.
i have like 4 years reading all the stuff in this forum and i like it!!!!
thank you for all your information that helped me to get out from the jwland.
I everyone, this is my new and first post. I have like 4 years reading all the stuff in this forum and I like it!!!! Thank you for all your information that helped me to get out from the JWland. I'm from Mexico and I hope that in a next topic I will talk about my JW life. To start with, let me post an article that appeared today in the Excelsior newspaper in CDMX, where it talks about the authorization and avail from a judge for blood transfusion to a raramuri (ethical or indigenous group located in Chihuahua state) girl. The judge honored/privileged the right of life above religious/beliefs rights... what do you think???