Posts by Sirona
Update on UN expose' to mum-in-law
by TweetieBird inin another thread i mentioned that i was having the in-laws over and going to tell them about the un thing last night.. well, i didn't chicken out.
i told her (mother-in-law) that the reason i wasn't going to meetings anymore was due mostly to the wts hopping in bed with the un.
that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Update on UN expose' to mum-in-law
by TweetieBird inin another thread i mentioned that i was having the in-laws over and going to tell them about the un thing last night.. well, i didn't chicken out.
i told her (mother-in-law) that the reason i wasn't going to meetings anymore was due mostly to the wts hopping in bed with the un.
that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Hi Tweetie
I went through near enough the exact same thing. All the same arguments came up, and no matter how much proof you give, they dont want to know.
Most of all, dont let it upset you too much. Even though you dont think you are getting anywhere, you are. My mum has recently admitted some of the things she doesnt like about JWs...even though shes still active. She says that she agrees with some of the things I say. This is after years of arguments and throwing insults about apostates, etc.
She is still determined to stay JW, but I feel that my words have reached her in some way.
I love the film the Matrix. I feel as though coming out of JW is like being born into the real world. (he he, its ok if Keanu Reeves is around!)
As far as religions that use Jehovah as Gods name, there are some. I started a thread about this, but Im not sure what it was called. They referred me to some websites of religions that teach similar things to witnesses.
HELP! Real UFO experience. No Joke. Very Serious
by proplog2 ini want to report the most significant thing that ever happened to.
it is an event that i haven't been able to integrate into my.
I know of 2 different UFO stories from people I know. One is a highly respected teacher, who saw a cigar shaped object whilst out walking her dog, turned back for home but then found herself at home 2 hours later and couldnt account for the time,
the other is 2 of my family members who were driving along when they noticed a very strange looking object in the sky which had lots of lights. It descended to hover above their car and they swear to this day it wasnt a helicopter or anything like that. One of them stuck their head out of the window to see it do a 180 degree turn and speed off into the night.
Now I know you skeptics out there will say thats balony, but these people are reliable sources - for me! Anyway, there are possible explanations, like secret government test flights of new wierd and wonderful planes, hallucinations on the part of those involved, etc. but nevertheless its WIERD eh?
Response from the Society
by Sirona ini posted a while back with a copy of the letter that i sent to the society.
its at :
here is the response.
They did send a copy to the elders!!! lol. Actually I got in pretty big trouble over it. Two elders visited, after which they left in disgust saying I was influenced by the devil, then an elder returned with the Circuit Overseer. On that visit, I bit my tongue so that I wasnt DF'd. To give him his due, he was much more respectful towards me than the local elders were.
Hillary Step:
I wrote to Brooklyn, New York. I was that annoyed, I went to the top! My response was from New York too.Thanks everyone for your comments! Im glad it helped
Sirona -
I Don't Sympathise With Suicides
by Englishman inlet me explain.. firstly i have seen any number of so-called attempted suicides.
i've walked past an old girl friends house, seen her watching tv through the window, by the time i'm knocking on the door she's told me that she had her head in the gas oven and my knock stopped her.. my mother in law walks into the sea for a pastime.
every time she can't get her own way she walks in up to her knees and waits for someone to see her.
I considered suicide at one time in my life. I didnt tell anyone, I simply stood at the side of the road feeling numb, wondering if I had the guts to walk out in front of the next bus that came along.
I didnt have the guts to do it, mainly because I didnt think it would kill me (I'd probably end up worse off in some hospital bed) and I couldnt think of any other effective way, really. Also, I tend to think that you dont actually plan suicide. You just think about it a bit in a detached quiet sort of way, then IF the opportunity arose and you were in the 'wrong' mental state, you'd carry it out.
I agree that those who post they are going to do it usually are just asking for attention. You dont tell people if you are going to do it. Someone I know who works in a mental hospital frequently tells people to "just do it" and when he told me this I was horrified! but I think I understand now.
By the way, Im very happy now! That time in my life is over and Im just glad I coped eventually. I feel sorry for people who attempt it though, because their attention seeking is a demonstration of the hell they're going through.
Malcom typical JW mindset
by JT inyada yada yada the truth answered the questions with sense but u still are bitter demonic humans its sad that u hate the truth but soon jehovah will send a fire ball with your name on it cheers.
i had to show this to some nonjw today is friday and here in dc most gov workers are off till the 7th.
we have over 450 folks in this office and only 21 folks are logged in and 7 which are the folks here in the it dept so it is slow- we got folks cleaning all the "space bars" on the pcs on the floor smile.
The fireball comment was directed at me, because I posted the society's response to my letter and I expect that Malc(not all there)olm couldnt deal with a scriptural argument.
Funny thing is, he keeps saying pagan this pagan that....and I am pagan! Hello fireball from hell!
Sirona -
Response from the Society
by Sirona ini posted a while back with a copy of the letter that i sent to the society.
its at :
here is the response.
Thanks HS
Good points. One thing I can feel sure of myself though, is that in the light of "not being sure" about whether "Jehovah" should be included in the New Testament, we should base our translations on EXISTING manuscripts. The NT existing manuscripts say "lord" or "god" so that is what we should translate. We can comment on the possibility that Gods name should be there, but not alter the bible to suit.
As you say, they believe that they have Gods spirit, so they believe they have the right to decide what to put into their bible.
And they talk about love?
by Xena inwith the 4th anniversary of my parents death looming and the anniversary of their last wedding anniversary party where my family was together and happy for the last time just being past ....i was feeling kind of depressed and wanted to reach out to what family i have left.
i sat there and debated in my mind if i should do it...should i try and reach out to my sister..see if i could reach her across the barrier of the jw religion.
should i try to remind her that we are sisters...we were sisters before we became jws and we will always be sisters.
Hi Xena
Thinking of you... (hug)
Theres every chance that your sister may consider what she did and perhaps realise her mistake. Despite her being JW, sometimes they do just hope for that day.
The hardest part for me is feeling like the family failure, despite the fact that my life is successful, in their eyes it isnt. Remember that you are the successful one for being strong enough to leave this cult!
Response from the Society
by Sirona ini posted a while back with a copy of the letter that i sent to the society.
its at :
here is the response.
Hi Flower
Im really glad you found it helpful.
I can give a brief summary of the Gods name query, I think this is reasonably accurate and you will find confirmation of it if you look at the society's explanations as they state in their letter (in the NWT with references).
Basically, the Society justifies putting the name "Jehovah" in the New Testament by saying that 1. they are quoting from the hebrew scriptures, and we know that the tetragrammaton was used there (YHWH) 2. they believe that in the first century the superstitious practice of abbreviating the divine name or replacing it with dots in copy translations lead to the name being removed from the Greek scriptures, and substituted with Kyrios (Lord).
The problems that I pointed out with their adding "Jehovah" to their translation are: 1. There are no new testament greek manuscripts in existence which have the name Jehovah in them. All we have are translations of the Hebrew scriptures (OT) which have Jehovah as Gods name. The society admit this - see the Divine Name brochure - it actually states that there are no greek new testament manuscripts with the name in them. I think that the reason there are none is because the NT writers didnt intend to put Jehovah in there...if Jesus had emphasised Jehovah then surely that name would be maintained by Christians as a fundamental teaching of Jesus? Of course thats my speculation, but in the absence of manuscripts with Jehovah in, how can the NWT add the name? 2. They claim to add the name Jehovah into the NT where it is quoting from the OT. In the case of 1 Peter 3:15 they do not do this. The quotation in Isaiah says Jehovah of Armies, and at 1 Peter they say "Christ". Why? Because they cant put Jehovah in this instance because its too obvious that the scripture is about Christ.
I hope that gives an idea on the issue.
With regard to colossians 1:15 - 20 you will notice that the article you are referred to does not actually answer the question. The plain truth is that they added the word "other" without justification, based on their belief that Jesus is not God. There is no greek word for "other" in that section of scripture, so no amount of reasoning should prompt us to add words where they shouldnt be in the bible.
Response from the Society
by Sirona ini posted a while back with a copy of the letter that i sent to the society.
its at :
here is the response.
LOL Malcolm!
You are uptight eh? (giggles) If you have any comments or scriptural proof of the deity of Jesus Christ, or that he is the saviour, I would be grateful. Or in fact if you have any constructive comment, I'd be amazed.
Having studied the bible for most of my life, I think I am able to form my own opinions. I suspect that forming your own opinions is not something you are familiar with!
(grins to herself and says "wow, these crazy fundies!"