A lot will depend on the identity of those actually benefitting financially from changes. Through the decades no one has ever believed that GB members or anyone associated with Bethel was being paid. Yet I, for one, can't believe so many have been so blinded as not to think skimming is taking place behind closed doors. Who would know? Publishers don't ask, they just stuff the boxes and leave what's left to the WBTS when they die. Insiders are thrown out if they question. Do all assume that such a corrupt organization is being run by truly honest leaders, donating their entire life for a cause without payment? Doubtful. There are likely Swiss banks and other shelters already set up by the greedy. If one believes the Bible, one of the highest, Judas, sold Christ for silver. Again, can we believe there does not exist pilfering of contributions today? Follow the money trail. That will be the basis of change. ... Some may even witness a "Shawshank Redemption" Who disagrees?
JoinedPosts by mushroomfed
My take on current direction of WTBS
by Cagefighter inafter keeping up with the changes and new practices of the "org" one thing seems clear to me: the wtbs is looking at getting out of the religion business.
it seems running a worldwide religious organization is becoming too much of a legal liability especially when relying on uneducated and poorly trained men to run said organization.
look at the quagmire, the catholic church suffered with the child abuse scandal and this was a much larger and educated group of people.. that being said, i see the wtbs retreating back from being the head of the religion and moving back towards simply being a publishing company.
I had another visit from a JW
by KristiKay insome of you may remember my story, i studied with a women for 6 months, after about 3' i realized what a corrupt organization it was and spent the rest of the time trying to get her to see what was going on with the watchtower org.
she has been a jw fo 50 years, completly brainwashed so i ended the study.
a few days ago a nice gentelman rang our doorbell (woke us up) and i heard my husband sayin "you might be interested in talking to my wife,but she is not here" i ran down the stairs with sleep in my eyes, tried to get myself together as best as i could, and told him that he really needs to look into his organisation, mentioned how the greek nwt is changed, told him he needs to "make sure of all things" read coc, i told him it was a shame to devote his life to a dishonest org, and he has to look into it.
It's called no longer living according to the wishes of others. That is a courageous step for many .... well done! The gentleman you spoke of is not nice but rather a false " angel of light"spoken of in scripture.