Let us do another experiment, lets take another part of the Awake! article and substitute Catholic with Jehovah's Witness, etc., and see how well these things fit the Watchtower:
The Effect of the GB's stance on oral sex:
The effect upon many devout Jehovah's Witnesses has been devastating. "All these years I thought it was/was-not a sin to take an organ," explained a housewife in the midwestern United States. "Now I suddenly find out it is/isn't a sin. That's hard to understand." If you are a Jehovah's Witness, can you understand how a practice that was/was-not considered by the Society a "mortal sin" can suddenly be approved/dis-approved? If it was a sin 13 years ago, why is it not today? Many Jehovah's Witnesses cannot understand. When a woman in Canada was asked how she felt about the changes in her religion, she replied: "I don't know. Maybe you can tell me. What are they going to do with all those people who were disfellowshipped for accepting an organ?" Not just a few Jehovah's Witnesses have asked such questions. The change in teaching has shaken their confidence in the Society. Would you not feel the same way if what you had always been taught to be vital for sensation was suddenly considered unnecessary? Would you not be inclined to question other teachings of your church also?
Edited by - SixofNine on 21 February 2001 14:57:52