believe these men were appointed by Christ you have to believe they were appointed by Christ in the first place to accept their non-scriptural viewpoint and that the viewpoint is correct.
Circular reasoning in plain sight right there...
i did not write this piece.
i enjoyed the simple and understandable reasoning.
hope some of you enjoy it too. believe these men were appointed by Christ you have to believe they were appointed by Christ in the first place to accept their non-scriptural viewpoint and that the viewpoint is correct.
Circular reasoning in plain sight right there...
i want as many minds put into this as possible.. there is a new argument among the extreme jw apologists, saying that even the disciples promoted mistakes.
they base themselves on john 21:23. keep in mind, i am not a believer but i want the answer from a believer's standpoint, please.. .
You cannot compare the GB/FDS to the Apostles...they were not Jehoovers spokesperson...Jesus was.
The GB/FDS getting things wrong is akin to Jesus teaching wrong things...and he never changed his teachings.
The Apostles getting things wrong is akin to dubs, normal sheep, a normal JW getting it wrong as that is what the Apostles were, just sheep, when Jebus walked the earth*
* if he ever did (IMO)
could someone do me a favor and post the picture on page 9 on the above mentioned watchtower.. i'll point it out, very surprised no one else has picked up on this creepy image..
i would think that a lot of resentment is building up for these for these guys at bethel even though it may not be discussed openly for fear of being abused by the gb in some way.. any way looking at their personality and the extreme phoniness of rubber mouth/face lett, and am#3, and the chicken shit coward leosch who won't even show up in court when subpoena'd to defend his faith or policies, and i'm sure they have many more undesirable traits that repel people instead of attract and that has to work its toll on relationships they have at bethel.. and this shunning thing i'm sure must really erk some at god's house and while they may not be free to voice their discontent i feel it must be building because these guys are complete nincompoops when it come to reality and the only way they know how to give direction is with fear and guilt which i'm sure is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.. and let not forget the issues that are raise when they stole all the congregations savings and the pledge drive for more cash, ban on higher education, lawsuit pay out and etc.... what is this doing to the relation ship they have with legal and accounting i see trouble brewing right thier in the spiritual pair of dice..
I don't think they have "enemies" in Bethel, I just think some Bethelites spill info when they shouldn't so they receive credit like they are in the know...boosting their own egos.
If anyone in Bethel gets TTATT there is no way in hell they could live that fake life just to be a spy in the ranks, doing that can cause lots of mental issues.
The GB are full in on their beliefs and whilst not every Bethelite is uberzealous I don't believe there are many who are still there if any who are "mentally out".
ok, lets assume that god created everything as is, with no evolution involved.
this is what jw's teach based on a singular vague verse in genesis.
made according to their types.
Just simplify it, Ochams Razor and all.
Is there a god? In human history there has been no contact and no evidence from any deity.
If there was a god he would have done something about our world or at least introduced himself and any plan he has.
The fact there has been no contact and the world is chaotic proves there is no god in simple terms.
Of course, I don't need to prove there is no god, the burden of proof lies with those who do believe.
draw any jw's attention to watchtower's history of false predictions and invariably, somewhere down the line of the conversation, the jw will tell you that watchtower never claimed to be an inspired prophet and therefore cannot be accused of being a false prophet.
but is it really true that watchtower has never claimed to be an inspired prophet?.
technically speaking, the answer is yes - i think (if i'm wrong i'd love to see the quote).
Don Cameron's book Captives to a Concept expertly captures this notion...inspired, directed doesn't matter it is the same and the WT claims to be so...and fails.
I can't stress enough how good Don's book is...couple it with Ray's Crisis of Conscience and if you are "still in" after reading both those books there is something wrong with you.
in 1897, j.j. thomson discovered the electron.
this was the first constituent part of the atom which, for 2,000 years, was thought to be indivisible.
today, we know of 18 elemental particles following the recent discovery of the higgs boson, the so-called god particle.. back in 1897, most people believed in god because there weren't even any theories as to how the universe came into being.
How do you disprove something via science and evidence that doesn't exist in the known physical universe but supposedly exists in another realm, a spirit one, one we cannot see or do any research on?
Disproving God is is proving he exists also impossible. But as others say, the burden of proof does not lie with me since I don't believe in any god, it lies with those who claim he does exist.
i don't know if i have shared this with everyone, but there seems to be a new theocratic term, at least in my circuit.. the term is "final push.
" wtf does it mean?
well, an eldub said that the gb are "all in" with warwick and they might spend all their money on the project.
even if you don't regard yourself as a practicing jw, some may view you simply as inactive, a lost sheep, etc.. if you were baptized but not disfellowshipped or disassociated, you may still be a jw---right?
your thoughts please..
Inactive...near 3 years...told the elders I have doubts and want left alone...resigned as an elder myself and then 6 months later told the elders I need my space...
True to their word they haven't bothered me...even during wine and bread season...
My wife is still in though...
would like to hear about any experiences anyone has had with the so called ' anointed ' .
To quote the WT Brother Jeremy, if you know a barrel of water contains ONE drop of poison would you drink from it?
So why are you engaging in the preaching work and still an "active" WT if you know it's all say you trust in Jehovah and Christ but if you have come to the conclusion that Jehovah/Christ do NOT trust the WT then what on earth are you doing?