Sorry but I see no "evidently" in your opening post...
Ergo nothing you have posted can be true...
i intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
Sorry but I see no "evidently" in your opening post...
Ergo nothing you have posted can be true...
recent developments make me think they might be.
the problems they are facing are not just lack of funds but also draining authority, and the two could be a heady and explosive mix.
one of the best analyses ever written of the watchtower was a book called "trumpet of prophecy" by sociologist james beckford in the 1970s.
I don't see any crisis...they have a money issue but they are sitting on billions of property...child abuse scandals and charity status are just Stan trying to stop the work according to dubs...
Nothing will change, they will be here for a while...they of course, in time, will need to address anointed partakers, generation that overlaps and 1914/1919 but that is easy when dubs believe the GB are in the hands of God...
if this has been discussed i missed it.
i think the january study watchtower is a concerted attempt to reduce the numbers claiming to be anointed.
but i love the sneaky way they go about it this time.
The GB's best known methods is to "simply bury their head in the sand and let everyone else forget it".
This is true of their money pinching, asset grabbing, child abuse policies, strange prophetic teachings...the fact that there are 15,000 partakers is disturbing for a thinking dub but the GB will just ignore the issue and expect the sheep to do the same.
The only time they need to address it when time is they had to with the "generation" and will do soon with the anointed partakers and 1914 but in the meantime they will act as though there is nothing to see.
doesn't that throw off the date?.
*** w51 6/15 p. 383 questions from readers ***.
in establishing the length of the seven times of the gentiles, a time or year of 360 days is used, to give 2,520 days, which become 2,520 years when ezekiel 4:6 is applied.
i have been a jw my whole life and i have never been able to get a clear answer on this question.
jw's do not believe that jehovah will intervene if someone is sick, dying or stopping a car crash.
they feel that jehovah is letting "this world" play out before he solves all of these problems.
When I was in, on the same day, a brother got let off from being charged for drink driving by a judge whilst a sister got raped.
The brother exclaimed that Jehoover had softened the judges heart and intervened since he needs his driving license to do the preaching work.
When I asked the brother why didn't Jehoover help the poor sister who was raped....he shrugged...Jehoover only knows he said.
I was disgusted.
john cedars has posted his latest blog "the trouble with apostates (and why it shouldn't put you off becoming one)".
i acknowledge that he is entitled to his opionin just as we are ours but i am disappointed in some of his comments.. at this stage i'll try to be objective about it.
he is defending his own position after all.. what bothers me most is his comments about athiests and christians which he seems to identify as being in conflict with each other.
Poor Lloyd is fighting on two fronts...TTATT and still-ins AND exjws as he has ruffled a few feathers.
I liked his site prior to him exposing who he was as they were very much neutral and informative but now since he has DA himself all his articles have a "tone" that doesn't sit right with me.
The fact he has admitted that mental illness/depression affects him I really think for his own best interests and his families that he takes a break, no good can come from his recent barney with those nutjobs called Mike/Kim.
I sent Cedars an email a while ago saying he needs to walk away and enjoy his family and his life.
congregations get an annual letter that tells what can be ordered for literature (it's mainly a list of audio cds/dvds for the deaf), but this time it included publications that will be discontinued, and this included the isaiah's prophecy book and the reasoning book, and i think i saw the draw close to jehovah book.
i meant to take a picture of the letter but forgot.
the branch is only going to give what they have on stock, when that stock depletes that's it, you won't be able to order those publications anymore.. this is in canada so i don't know if this is worldwide..
god that fucking isaiah book. every. single. chapter. had the same fulfillment. it was a goddamn broken record.
The bloody bookstudy doing BOTH books on it was a nightmare...
since the overlapping generations doctrine was introduced, i have found the jws i know to be uncharacteristically silent on the subject.
i can't remember hearing a single dub try to defend this idiocy.
but that all ended recently.
it seems unbelievable but turkey (a nato member state) shooting down a russian jet fighter on their syrian border seems to be "meh" news and no one is too bothered about it too much.. the world seems a bit upside down right now.
i don't think a lot of countries really know who the hell they are fighting and who is and isn't on their side in it all and really what is going on.. smaller incidents than this have led to major conflicts in the past but hopefully calm heads will prevail.
china shot down a us spy plane years ago and the world survived and forgot about it so things will move on i'm sure.. i'm guessing the price turkey pays for their gas supply from russia will be going up soon though.. man, that republican primary is sucking all the news attention from the room.
The issue is we still don't know the facts as the two stories from Russia & Turkey are miles apart at the moment...was they in Turkey's airspace or not? Did 10 warnings over 5 minutes occur? Etc etc...
You can't trust any media outlet so everything else is mere speculation....NATO have come out in support of Turkey though.
this was posted on fb.. so guys, i'm gonna share something with you all that i think you should know.
i've only told two people about this (one being john cedars) for fear of getting this guy into trouble, but it's very telling and will reaffirm your "ttatt faith!
a couple of weeks ago, i had to have an "ability to protect" assessment by a gentleman from a company that also investigates child protection policies etc.
Gas (petrol) prices? Don't remember that being the main reason.
Main reason was that simply people are busier...especially with work to provide for the family and for most of the developing lands, where the growth is and where the vast majority of JW's are, it meant they were busting their guts working AND going to two midweek meetings so they canned the book study.
That's what I remember as the main reason as to why the bookstudy got stopped.