I just want to echo these sentiments as they are exactly mine...I too have no agenda...I'm genuinely interested in how a person comes to the conclusion that evolution is guided simply because I do not come to that conclusion but I always try and understand the other side.
I thought KateWild might have been up for explaining how she has arrived at that conclusion but apparently not...very strange then to create the thread if you are not going to discuss it but I'm happy to leave it and her and wish her well.
I'm sure I can get the info I seek from elsewhere.
Sorry Kate I've been out and not had a chance to respond earlier. This is your thread and if you believe you have answered and explained everything to a sufficient level then it would be churlish to continue to make request ofyou for more information.
The only thing I will repeat is that I did not engage with you on this thread with some kind of predetermined atheist agenda. I have no interest in proving you right or wrong. I really am interested in your opinion and thinking process. I certainly have no billy big bollocks desire to assert my opinion above yours.
I will not be phoning you to discuss it, not because I am not genuine, but firstly the discussion was happening here and, secondly, I am a married man trying to fade therefore making surreptitious phone calls to ladies my wife does not know is not high on my agenda of risks to take. You might have phone conversations with others, like cantleave, but that's under very different circumstances for you both.
Please don't mistake any of this for some kind of lack of genuine interest. I've read everything you have shared over the years on this site and know how tough things have been as well as seen how you have powered through so much. I do find you obtuse sometimes but you have my utmost respect for what you have achieved to escape the clutches of the WTS and I am glad we remain online buddies.
All the best - k99