I wanna use an analogy on Jw's i know since every speaker from stage loves using analogies. I was thinking of one myself
If a forest fire was coming straight at your house and it was 100% going to burn your house down would you add on to your house? (jw's...NO)
So if armageddon is coming 100% we could say it is like that forest fire and it would be foolish to build at this time or invest time and money in much of anything (jw's...YES)
So why the F is it ok for the gb to build a new multimillion dollar complex? (jw's...???)
This illustration doesn't work.
JW's will say that buildings dedicated to Jehoover are not the focal point of his anger at the Big A...whilst Jerusalem fell in 70CE it fell because God's own people were the focal point of God's anger. Thus, God's dedicated buildings fell.
BUT...at the Big A Jehoover is saving His people, not punishing them thus buildings dedicated to God may survive the Big A, after all they will need something.
Because at the Big A God's people are not getting punished they will say it is likely that most, some, all or a little of buildings dedicated to Jehoover will be preserved.