Local elders have no clue...they simply believe the hierarchy above them is controlled by God thus they accept everything the "letters" they get say.
JoinedPosts by notsurewheretogo
How deep is the rot?
by JeffT inby now it seems obvious that the gb and other leaders of the wtbs are corrupt.
the pedo scandal and various financial schemes are sustained by either lack of concern or greed at the top.
my question is how far down the food chain does this go?
What do you think the Australian Government will do?
by Richard Oliver ini am not wanting to start a fight.
i just want to hear what people think.
honestly and realistically, what do you think the australian government will do, with watchtower, when they receive the full arc report?.
Hi Richard,
I don't think the government will do anything because they are Satan's agent as he wages war with propaganda against Jehovah and his servants.
Jehovah and his earthly organisation will prevail because the truth is that the WT abhors child abuse and does everything in its power to stop it yet Satan is using this as a smear campaign against the witnesses.
The government will do nothing because Jehovah will be vindicated in the way He runs his earthly organisation.Is that what you wan to hear? Now bog off you WT apologetic...
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The Danger of Settlements
by Tech49 ini was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
The things is...many of these cases mentioned...the victim has gone public, has done interviews, had press release and their story published for all to see and the the victims seem to be motivated, not by money, but by highlighting the dangers of WT policy and trying to foster change within the WT.
Then the WT offers a settlement along with a NDA and boom the victim gets compensation but can't tell any details...the exact thing they were trying to do...to get change...just doesn't get done when you accept a settlement.
The fact so many settle without any change is disheartening...ask a dub who Conti is and 99% won't know yet she is probably the most famous victim...
Of course the victims are fully entitled to all they can get considering what they have suffered but I find it confusing to read about a victim and all what they want to do to the WT and alert many people to the dangers of WT child abuse policies and effect change only for them to take a settlement and disappear...case closed and no change to WT child abuse policies.
This is What I Would Need in Order to Believe
by cofty insometimes theists challenge atheists about what evidence would be required before they would believe.
various unlikely scenarios are offered in reply.
i have taken the bait myself in the past.. i think the correct answer is much more ordinary.
Hyperlinks to bookmarks in PDF doc don't work
by FatFreek 2005 inone of my topics re "watchtower's 53 date failures ..." has a problem.. the document that delivers all that content is in pdf format.
the internal hyperlinks to the bookmarks don't work.
it's not your fault -- it's mine.. see all those dates in that table on page 3?
The links are fine when you download the PDF and open it up in a PDF reader like Acrobat DC...
But using an online hosted PDF reader like the Google Drive that allows you to view PDF's in a browser makes the hyperlinks not work.
God answers JW prayers about trivialities while ignoring the abuse of little children
by jambon1 ini've heard many experiences about how jehovah answers the prayers of jw's - convention items about pioneers gas bills, car repairs, job opportunities.
now, if this is true, you are actually stating that god has directly intervened in your life.
taken action on your behalf.
Remember visiting brothers in Ireland...one young MS guy was telling me he got a speeding ticket and he prayed hard to Jehoover about it and he got let off in court and therefore he did not relinquish his position...he was so glad prayer worked.
The same week a sister had a stalker...she prayed hard about it and told the police...one night the stalker caught her, dragged her to a bus stop and violently raped her.
The power of prayer...utter nonsense.
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How to respond when JW's invite you to the memorial
by krismalone inthe yearly rejection of the blood of christ aka jw memorial is coming soon.. jw's will be engaging in an invitation campaign.
elders are instructed to personally visit inactive ones or faders.
some sarcastic ideas of how to respond to the memorial invitation that will scare or piss off the cult members:.
Making life and death/life altering decisions based on commands from someone you're not sure exists
by jambon1 instraight from the off, i will say that i'm 100% atheist.
i have no faith.
however, it occurred to me while thinking back over my involvement with the jw religion and especially when i take into account personal and family situations where people have made life altering choices due to being jw's, just how crazy it really is.
Even worse is people making life/death based decisions based on the sayings of 7 men who now say they may be wrong, are not inspired and are not infallible!
Anointed o es disfellowshipped and then reinstated
by Lostandfound insorry if this already covered, have any one seen a professed anointed one disfellowshipped and subsequently reinstated?
still partaking after return.. i witnessed one who had to be "advised" not to attend memorial as his partaking in df state could stumble.
he later told people he observed memorial with emblems privately at home..
Yes I know of one...guy claimed to be anointed, was a right jerk and slandered a pioneer couple, screaming at their faces at a ministry group that they were into spiritisic practices because they did homeopathy.
He was DF, he appealed, the appeal committee upheld the DF and about ten years later he was reinstated and began partaking again.
Clearly he is not mentally right but he still claims to be anointed.
Day 5 - Fessler vs. Watchtower – Ends: Plaintiff settles in Jehovah’s Witness Child Abuse Trial
by darkspilver inday 5 in court - and apparently the plaintiff stephanie fessler has decided to settle..... http://www.pennlive.com/news/2017/02/jehovahs_witness_sexual_abuse.html.
jehovah's witness sexual-abuse-coverup lawsuit settled.
february 13, 2017 at 2:37 pm, updated february 13, 2017 at 2:44 pm.
Fair point Smiddy but cases like this one and the Conti case seemed geared not to be about money but about forcing change and settling out of court means the changes do not come. I find it most disappointing that the victim seems geared to take on the WT and go through a lot of things and take a lot of time only to then settle and for the whole thing to disappear.
I see the settlements as a win for the WT.
The victims deserve everything they can get though and I don't blame them at all for settling.
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