To be fair that is problem with most J-dubs, especially men. I am Cedars age and was born into the religion. I have this problem too. You are raised to feel like you're better than everyone else and you have an innate sense of being right when everyone else is wrong. The effects of this can last a lifetime.
So do you think it is wise to then be an activist? To be in the public eye so to speak? To therefore be reasonable? Mild? Open to discussion? Willing to admit you are wrong? Willing to take advice?
If you are going to be an activist like Cedars is then I'm sorry but you need to show certain characteristics that come with a more public facing persona.
And he doesn't...he now has divided exjws because some like him some do not. The opposite of what should be happening...the exjw community should be getting stronger as more come out but it is getting fragmented with camps...its almost like they are bitter, mentally-diseases apostate! Well...that is how they will be viewed by dubs who are on the fence and come across their videos of activists attacking each other.
I have nothing against the man personally, I do not know him but some of the things he does I do not like but it is his attitude, especially when it comes to constructive criticism, on forums, that shows he is lacking in these areas.