So Lloyd Evans aka Cedars says on his Facebook page when he attended a Reveal JW child abuse event.
Interesting stuff but no details!
so lloyd evans aka cedars says on his facebook page when he attended a reveal jw child abuse event.. .
interesting stuff but no details!.
So Lloyd Evans aka Cedars says on his Facebook page when he attended a Reveal JW child abuse event.
Interesting stuff but no details!
next weeks watchtower.
'who is leading god's people today' is quite incredible.
i am so looking forward to blondie's comments on this one.
I'm actually going to the KH to see paragraph 12 discussed...first time back in 5 years after fading...I'm looking forward to the questions as to why I popped back for this meeting.
My answer will be well it is nice to see the GB admit that Jehoover has nothing to do with WT doctrines or policies because that is why I left!
when i studied as a young adult, it was in one of those congregations.
having viewed the religion as a quaint little band of christians it conpletely dumbfounded me when i was told about such rules as 1 - no beards.
2 - you must wear a suit to meetings and while giving a talk.
It's tit for I was pushing to become a MS I got counselled for not wearing a "suit" on the TMS by the PO...years later when I was an elder his son, who was pushing to become a MS, gave a talk with no can guess what I brought up when we discussed him at an elder meeting.
PO was rule for other people and one rule for friends and family.
Seen it way too many times...JW's have the massive issue in that the leaders cherry pick when they choose what to press as law when opinion.
Sick of it. So glad I got out.
now that she has announced that she is 20 weeks pregnant and not married, what is her status in the cult?
@slimboyfat she is engaged but not married.
now that she has announced that she is 20 weeks pregnant and not married, what is her status in the cult?
How can you thank Jehovah for a win in a major and at the same time do the humpy bumpy catepillar dance whilst unmarried and think he still blesses you?
Is the fact she is now pregnant mean Jehoover will not bless her results?
mrs phizzy and myself will be eating out, sure in the knowledge we will not have jw's using the same restaurant.. i may have a cigar along with my brandy at the meal's end to celebrate my (our) freedom..
Drinking fermented Red Wine and eating a crapton of leavened home.
i heard recently that there was a talk given at the kh about having a 'go bag' ready because the big 'a' must be soooo close as evidenced by syria and the russian jobo thing.. does anyone know if this 'go bag' thing is substantiated in publications or just a local nut job being paranoid and attention seeking?.
i also wonder about this 'go bag' thing, apparently, you need to make sure your biscuits (that's cookies to my over the pond friends), are not out of date.
don't carry water, it's too heavy.. too many questions do i have.
It's been recommended for a while wife has asked me to help her get one ready...she asked about 3 years ago..still haven't done it yet.
i seriously doubt that any jw understanding of prophecy has ever withstood the test of time.
how can anyone trust them when they are always wrong?
Is any bible prophecy right though?
what is it with this pair?
why do they have to constantly have a bitch about guys like john cedars?
a very recent video of them shows them calling him a 'village idiot' and making other disparaging claims.
To be fair that is problem with most J-dubs, especially men. I am Cedars age and was born into the religion. I have this problem too. You are raised to feel like you're better than everyone else and you have an innate sense of being right when everyone else is wrong. The effects of this can last a lifetime.
So do you think it is wise to then be an activist? To be in the public eye so to speak? To therefore be reasonable? Mild? Open to discussion? Willing to admit you are wrong? Willing to take advice?
If you are going to be an activist like Cedars is then I'm sorry but you need to show certain characteristics that come with a more public facing persona.
And he doesn't...he now has divided exjws because some like him some do not. The opposite of what should be happening...the exjw community should be getting stronger as more come out but it is getting fragmented with camps...its almost like they are bitter, mentally-diseases apostate! Well...that is how they will be viewed by dubs who are on the fence and come across their videos of activists attacking each other.
I have nothing against the man personally, I do not know him but some of the things he does I do not like but it is his attitude, especially when it comes to constructive criticism, on forums, that shows he is lacking in these areas.
what is it with this pair?
why do they have to constantly have a bitch about guys like john cedars?
a very recent video of them shows them calling him a 'village idiot' and making other disparaging claims.
I wouldn't mind seeing the examples of where Cedars shoots people down who don't agree with him.
Look up his posts on Reddit...awash with his replies to points that are fair but he can't take it.
I've had many a post war with him. I made a comment that one of his more professional videos, one he released to various media outlets about child abuse, which was a good video, where I commented that for advertising, presentation and "first look" points it may have been better if he had at least tidied up his physical appearance.
In the video his hair is a mess and he is unshaven.
Nothing wrong with that, people can look how they want but I simply made the point that if you want to get taken seriously and want to present a professional outlook then appearance is important...advertising 101 if you will.
You would have thought it was the most personal insult the guy has ever had...the replies back and forth we had were incredible...I was simply offering a point to help his videos get better coverage yet he could NOT take any point from anyone on whatever he does.
His ego is huge...