the point is that the UK government were scared enough of the "SNP threat" to suppress the reality of North Sea oil revenue at the time and misinform the public.
No that is not the point now is it? It has no relevance to the 18 year old voting in Scotland for NOW and the next 5 years. As I said what has happened in the past does not matter because the case of independence and oil revenue is now dependent on different factors in different circumstances.
To be a person who does not agree with the SNP and I side on unionists, I voted tactically against the SNP and I know many did too.
And it worked. But as SBF advises you need to be aware of the current political climate and feelings in Scotland to understand this.
I guess it does sound weird to not vote for the party you want but the party who will most likely displace the SNP in your area. But it is the reason why Alex Salmond and Angus Robertson are out of a job...that and well other reasons that I'll keep to myself.
SBF, you still haven't answered my question, you raise all other points and they are good points but still can't answer my fundamental question.
If we go independent now and lose money from the subsidy from the rest of the UK via the Barnett Formula and add in the fact oil revenue has gone for good how do we cope with a massive drop in income? How do we address the £15 billion deficit? WITHOUT extreme austerity measures since SNP say its wrong to do so.
Where is the money going to come from to keep Children Hospitals running if we remove billions of income from the UK given that we are overspending by £1,000 per person WITH that income from the UK at the moment? I understand your point about relying on the UK for the future but you still have not answered this question.
I tell you, if the SNP just answered that, gave evidence with facts and figures that we can do it then they would win the hearts and minds of the Scottish people.
It's the one thing they can do and it would almost certainly make independence real and not just a possibility but a reality.
But we know the reason why they haven't to date when it is the one thing they could do to achieve independence...
Because there is no way to do it without massive austerity measures, tax rises, cuts to public spending and cuts to all the current perks we enjoy.
Do you realize this is the main reason why many do not side with the SNP even though they would love to see independence?