I mentioned this the other day...
The Prodigal Son parable...the bad wicked son comes home...not because he is repentant or ashamed and wants to mend his ways...no...he is hungry...he comes home NOT to go back to pure worship or anything but rather he is sick of eating scraps.
His father welcomes him home and throws a party...a lesson that is clear is that blood is thicker than water...blood ties are more important than religious ties...family is more important than religious beliefs.
If the father in the Prodigal Son parable was to apply "WT Laws" he would have sent the son packing and not spoke to him when he come home hungry.
Blood ties, family is more important than anything else...Jesus demonstrated that life is more precious that commandments (saving sheep on the sabbath).
The shunning policy indirectly was a main factor in Russia banning them because it is extreme...if they want to take Russia to some Supreme Court to fight for freedom of worship then they the JW's need to change their policy and allow freedom OF religion by allowing those who want to leave not to get shunned by family members....can't have it both ways WT...karma...what goes around comes around...