The GB members are "just men" and are prone to imperfections like all of us.
They may swear in their head when they hit their toe on the end of their bed...they may do a double-take when a women enters the room with a low cut top (or in Tony's case a man wearing tight pants) etc etc BUT when they come together as the GB, and they pray, and supposedly the great Holy Spirit "directs" (not inspire remember) them to teachings, doctrines or policies then it CAN NEVER be wrong because their imperfections have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit directing them.
If things are wrong it MUST be the Holy Spirits fault and not the GB because they say the Spirit is directing them.
The fact that they get things wrong shows without a shadow of doubt that nothing supernatural or "god like", no divine intervention or any direction comes upon them at all.
They are just imperfect men teaching 8 million people what THEY think the bible means...they are wrong and they are imperfect...but being imperfect has NO bearing...or should not have IF they are "directed" by Holy Spirit.
They recently admitted they are not infalliable or inspired thus there is no direction from any higher source....ergo it is a MANS religion.
Game over over...I'm out.