I like the cut of your jib Las Malvinas son Argentinas...your views are more or less the same as mine.
Which is why I am rather disappointed with Paul at JWFacts.com for posting this thread.
Lloyd has a right go at the WT, the GB, other ex-jws etc yet you make remarks, comments, constructive criticism about Lloyd and he takes it personally...he can't take what he dishes out...
I don't believe for one minute he earns "far less" in his activism as myself and others have pointed out what is publically available and hence why I suggest the reasons why he has to produce content and new books is because of money, because activism is his income.
I too have told Lloyd that his site and his articles prior to his "coming out" as an apostate, as in prior to him DA himself that they were balanced, neutral, factual and highly effective....just like JWFacts.com.
But as soon as he DA himself then the focus of his channel was himself and not the content and in that he has lost an opportunity to get people "still on the fence" out of the WT...all the people who have come out since he showed himself on his videos were on there way out anyway otherwise they wouldn't watch his videos because now most would view them as apostate whilst prior to his DA they were balanced to the point you could watch them whilst still in.
Fair enough he changed his direction but he made it about himself...how many exjw's has he put off because of that? How many possible exjws who are still in are put off?