The issue isn't really whether he has or has not had the vaccine.
The issue is he filled out the forms incorrectly and refuses to say why he is exempt, this seemingly shows a level or arrogance in that it would be accepted by the authorities because is the defending champion.
The fact he announced on Twitter he was arriving before due process again seemingly shows a level of arrogance.
I think the Australian government are far more pissed at this seemingly level of arrogance rather than whether he is vaccinated or not.
If countries have strict rules during COVID and you want to go in there you simply must abide by them, he seemingly has not but the LTA say it's ok because he is a superstar of the sport.
Alanah Pearce detailed her troubles getting in and out of Australia during COVID as she is a games journalist and her story was pretty brutal.
So for me personally Novak is wrong here, abide by the rules if you want to play in the country, if you are exempt then fill out the paperwork required advising so.
It really is that simple.