"Nevertheless support for independence in Scotland remains as strong as ever."
Simply not true. It has weakened and has never been a consistent majority. It's game over for independence for now what with other issues like cost of living, inflation, interest rates.
@ sbf - how can you totally ignore/dismiss the economic disaster which a 'Yes' vote would bring down on Scotland's population as previously stated?
"During 2021-22 tax revenue generated in Scotland amounted to about £73.8 billion, including North Sea oil revenue. During the same period, Scotland benefited from about £97.5 billion in public spending, a difference of £23.7 billion."
How many financial lemmings live in Scotland?
I've asked this question on here, on every forum and to every supporter of Indy and I've never ever had an answer that tackles the question. All they say is investment and more "levers" with zero detail.
The SNP's Growth Commission report highlights a reduction in public spending is realistically the only way.
So less money on schools, NHS, police etc and they will take away free uni tuition fees, free prescriptions, free eye care all against a plan that has never ever contained economic details as to how you cope with losing billions in subsidies from rUK.
It's just reckless to vote for Indy with zero economic details.