The new light is that JC appointed the JW's in 1919 "over all the domestics" to give them spiritual food and a SECOND appointment occurs during the GT where JC appoints them over "all his belongings".
Based on no scripture of course!!
quote from today's watchtower study article that's being studied at the halls (march 15, 2015, page 24):.
"understanding the illustration of the talents".
"when the master rewards the slaves.".
The new light is that JC appointed the JW's in 1919 "over all the domestics" to give them spiritual food and a SECOND appointment occurs during the GT where JC appoints them over "all his belongings".
Based on no scripture of course!!
in response to the 37 threads in my evolution is a fact series - see bottom of op for links - perry posted a link to an article "44 reasons why evolution isn't true".. i offered him a challenge on the thread and by pm.
predictably he is totally ignoring it, so i am offering the challenge to any evolution-denier who thinks they have evidence to support their position.. please present one specific piece of evidence for creationism.. my task will be to refute it with evidence within 24 hours.. then i will present one piece of evidence for evolution and your challenge will be the same.. all posts must be as succinct as reasonably possible.
entirely in your own words, without copy-paste, videos or links.. please post your interest to take part and we will set it up before the first actual post in the exchange.
Is it astonishing or surprising that this thread is 5 pages long with Cofty's one simple, concise post offering a challenge to those who deny evolution and believe in creationism that...
a) The creationists spout stuff that has no bearing to the thread/OP
b) Offer zero evidence
It is the fact that they can't read simple points in the OP as to how the challenge works then how are they ever going to accept evolution as fact with all the evidence if the choose to ignore it?
I think Cofty's challenge should have a hidden agenda, to reveal if creationists can understand simple far they have failed miserably...
in a discussion about the best flavour of ice cream everybody's opinion is equally valid.. in a discussion about the shape of the earth or the origin of species everybody's opinion is equally irrelevant.
only objective facts and evidence matter.. confusing these two categories is a common feature of conversations in this forum.
people deserve respect, errors do not..
Abiogenesis aside, I struggle with the concept: "From fish to man." Cognitive dissonance in a big way. It is f*#%ing impossible.
I did too...then I read Richard Dawkins book "Climbing Mount Improbable" really opened my eyes and since then I've consumed many more books...
If you think "one minute fish"..."next minute man" sounds strange...but do research and the answers are there and are far more credible than you currently think.
take a look at the back of your tv/entertainment centre.
a mass of power and signal cables connect the various pieces of equipment in very specific ways.
imagine you wanted to switch the locations of your satellite receiver and your dvd player.
Yes, God did that for a reason that you will soon find out
???? Really? Is that "soon"? Which generation will that occur?
Out of interest, Vidqun, are there any species you view as ugly? Do these bring shame on their designer?
Indeed, leeches and mosquitos that feed on "sacred blood" are very "ugly" creatures are they not...
in a discussion about the best flavour of ice cream everybody's opinion is equally valid.. in a discussion about the shape of the earth or the origin of species everybody's opinion is equally irrelevant.
only objective facts and evidence matter.. confusing these two categories is a common feature of conversations in this forum.
people deserve respect, errors do not..
I respect anyone's right to believe in anything (as long it it doesn't harm others) but equally I expect them to respect my right in that I think they are nuts for believing in something and dictating their life on something with zero evidence...
amazing read...go on , have a laugh if you want to.. new dna study confirms noah.
by brian thomas, m.s.
Lol...this thread is exactly what I wanted...Cofty posting rational links to evidence and creationists attempting to defend their belief
Sorry...but keep going!
How can anyone believe in creation after reading proper evidence is just denial...that's my stance.
amazing read...go on , have a laugh if you want to.. new dna study confirms noah.
by brian thomas, m.s.
Amazing read...go on , have a laugh if you want to.
New DNA Study Confirms Noah
by Brian Thomas, M.S.
Evolutionary teachings hold that all mankind arose from a population of ape-like ancestors from which chimpanzees also evolved. But Genesis, the rest of the Bible, and Jesus teach that all mankind arose from Noah's three sons and their wives. A new analysis of human mitochondrial DNA exposes two new evidences that validate the biblical beginnings of mankind.
Mitochondrial DNA comes from mothers. Mother egg cells transmit their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) into the cellular mitochondria of every child born. This unique annex of DNA contains 16,569 bases—either adenine, guanine, cytosine, or thymine (A, G, C, T)—that encode vital cellular information, like an instruction manual.
Scientists have been comparing the genetic differences between every major people group around the globe. How did those differences arise?
Assuming that God placed the ideal mtDNA sequence into Eve, all those differences arose by mutations since the Genesis 3 curse, about 6,000 years ago. Other scientists measured the rate at which these copying errors occur. Though very slow—we acquire about one mutation every 6 generations—a few dozen mutations could appear after several millennia.
This sets the stage for researchers to compare competing models' predictions against measured mtDNA differences.
Bible-believing molecular biologist Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson downloaded publicly available human mitochondrial genome sequence data to do exactly that. Publishing in Answers Research Journal, his results show that the number of today's mtDNA differences exactly matches the number predicted by the Bible's 6,000 years of human history.1 Mitochondrial DNA from around the world shows no trace of the 200,000 or so years' worth of mutations that the evolution model predicts.
Geneticists construct tree diagrams using software that places the most similar genetic sequences near one another, and the most dissimilar sequences on the longest branches. Jeanson found at least two distinct patterns in the human mtDNA tree diagram that confirm Genesis.
The center of the diagram shows three main trunks. Each reflects a specific mtDNA sequence with only a handful of differences from the other two.
Could these three trunks represent the unique mtDNA from the wives of Shem, Ham, and Japheth?
A second pattern emerges that also fits the three wives explanation. Assuming longer times between each generation, according to the biblical record of lifespans before the Flood, and using today's slow mutation rate, the 1,656 years between Adam and Noah would have produced the small number of differences that the short lines between each trunk represent.
Jeanson compared the small number of mtDNA differences between each trunk, or central node, with the relatively large number of differences in the branches. He wrote, "About 1,660 years passed from Creation to the Flood, whereas 4,365 years passed from the Flood to the present—a ~2.6:1 time ratio. Consistent with this, the branches connecting the nodes to one another were much shorter than the branches spraying out from the nodes—as if the short branches represented pre-Flood mutations, and the long branches represented post-Flood mutations."1
It appears that modern genetics confirms Genesis, which says, "So Noah went out, and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him."
This study produced two Genesis-confirming results. First, the human mtDNA tree has three trunks, which fits the Genesis model that all peoples descended from three foundational mothers—the wives of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Second, 6,000 years of today's slow mutation rate would exactly produce today's measured number of mtDNA differences. Genetics again confirms Genesis.
great article...chinese were brewing beer 5,000 years ago.... not bad considering it's not far off adam & eve... :).
.. .. chinese drinkers may have been brewing beer as many as 5,000 years ago, new research suggests.. us and chinese researchers say they found traces of barley, millet, grain, and tubers used in fermentation.. it was found on pottery discovered in shaanxi province in northern china during an archaeological dig 10 years ago.. it would be the earliest known instance of beer-making in china and suggest a sophisticated approach.. published in the us proceedings of the national academy of sciences, the study also suggested that barley may have been used for booze before being used for food.. as every home-brewer knows, funnels are an essential piece of kit.
Great article...Chinese were brewing beer 5,000 years ago...
Not bad considering it's not far off Adam & Eve... :)
Chinese drinkers may have been brewing beer as many as 5,000 years ago, new research suggests.
US and Chinese researchers say they found traces of barley, millet, grain, and tubers used in fermentation.
It was found on pottery discovered in Shaanxi province in northern China during an archaeological dig 10 years ago.
It would be the earliest known instance of beer-making in China and suggest a sophisticated approach.
Published in the US Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study also suggested that barley may have been used for booze before being used for food.
As every home-brewer knows, funnels are an essential piece of kit
The pottery fragments were originally found in an archaeological dig in 2004-2006, but only had their residue analysed by Stanford University researchers in late 2015, confirming earlier speculation by Chinese scholars that they might have been used for brewing.
The find included pots and pottery funnels, covered with a residue of broomcorn millet, barley, a chewy grain known as Job's tears, and tubers.
It also included stoves that could have been used to heat and mash grains, as well as underground spaces that would have kept the brew at a cool, consistent fermentation temperature - and helped stop it going off quickly once it was made.
While the scale has changed, the basic recipe for beer remains much as it was 5,000 years ago
"The discovery of barley is a surprise," lead author Jiajing Wang of Stanford University told the BBC in an email, as it was previously thought the grain arrived in China 1,000 years later.
"This beer recipe indicates a mix of Chinese and Western traditions - barley from the West; millet, Job's tears and tubers from China."
The latest find would suggest that drinkers in China first began to develop a taste for beer around the same time as people in ancient Egypt and Iran - from where the barley may have come.
The exact taste of the ancient brew will remain a mystery however, as while the scientists say they know what ingredients were used, they don't know the quantities.
#1 protein functional redundancycomparing the sequences of amino acids in ubiquitous proteins confirms the relationship between all living things.. #2 dna functional redundancycomparison of the dna that codes for the amino acids of ubiquitous proteins predicts the tree of life with an astonishing degree of accuracy.. #3 ervsendogenous retroviruses that infected our ancestors are found in the same place of the genome of our closest primate cousins.. #4 smelly geneshundreds of broken genes that used to code for olfactory receptors in our ancestors are still found in our genome.. #5 vitamin cwhy humans can no longer make their own vitamin c and what that tells us about our species' history.. #6 human chromosome 2our second biggest chromosome is made up of two of our ancestors' chromosomes stuck end-to-end.. #7 human egg yolk genehumans and our primate cousins have the genes for making vitellogenin and they are all broken in the same way.. #8 jumping genesbits of parasitic code called alu elements prove our common ancestry with primates.. #9 less chewing more thinkinga broken gene for a type of muscle fibre we no longer have tells a story about our evolutionary past.. #10 non-coding dnain common with many other species huge amounts of our genome originated as copying errors.. #11 tiktaalikan amazing fossil discovery illustrates the transition of life from sea to land.. #12 lenski's e.coli experimentan experiment with e.coli, now in it's third decade, demonstrates the power of natural selection.. #13 morris minor bonnetsevolution has to make do with building on existing designs as illustrated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve.. #14 joey goes to ozfossil evidence for the origins of marsupials found in antarctica exactly as predicted.. #15 robinson crusoethe biogeography of oceanic islands presents an impossible dilemma for creationism.. #16 aquatic mammalsan excellent sequence of fossils illustrates the evolutionary journey of whales from land to sea.. #17 belyaev's silver foxesa 50 year breeding programme demonstrates the amazing power of selection and the interconnected nature of genes.. #18 fish fingersthe evolution of limbs is mapped out in an amazing sequence of ancient fish fossils.. #19 goosebumpsa vestigial reflex bequeathed by our hairier ancestors.. #20 lucy in the exceptional fossil of a 3 million year old hominid.. #21 footprints in the sand...footprints at laetoli show our australopithecus afarensis ancestors were bipedal 3.6 million years ago.. #22 the hillocks of hiss...a vestigial feature if the human ear shared by 10% of the population demonstrates our evolutionary history.. #23 faunal succession...the consistent sequence of fossils found in the rocks can only be explained by evolution.. #24 the origin of your inner the bones that reptiles eat with became the bones that we hear with.. #25 deep time...scottish geologist andrew hutton discovered the proof of earth's great antiquity.. #26 colour gene duplication - new "information" -and mutation equipped us with trichromatic vision.. #27 monkeys, typewriters, shakespeare, 747s etc...evolution is a combination of random mutations and non-random selection.. #28 something darwin didn't say...a long term study of pigeons demonstrates how natural selection acts on a local population.. #29 use it or lose it...fossil genes reveal the history of modern species.. #30 your third eyelid...the remnants of a nictitating membrane reveals our evolutionary history..
who do jw's believe are the pharisees????
do you know of any religious organization that.
put such a heavy burden on it's members.