The thing is...I saved threads as bookmarks from this site and JWR as a catalog of great posts about topics...
It is a pity it had to be closed down...
i just tried to go to the site and there is a goodbye message.
i was a member there since 2010. i was really surprised.
i had just started posting there again after being away for a while.
The thing is...I saved threads as bookmarks from this site and JWR as a catalog of great posts about topics...
It is a pity it had to be closed down...
i was surfing jw recovery .com, all of the sudden a screen came up that says .
jehovah's witness recovery.
after much consideration, we have decided to move on to other things, and bring this site to a close.
JWR had less people on it and far fewer nutjobs...I really liked it...people like Fuque and DesignerStubble were decent posters...
Don Cameron, who wrote Captives to a Concept also used to post on there.
I'll miss JWR...but here has calmed down a lot over the last year with nutjobs...
amazing read...go on , have a laugh if you want to.. new dna study confirms noah.
by brian thomas, m.s.
So creationists post evidence-free nonsense about Noah and genetics.
A number of people offer facts to show that it is incorrect.
You demand everybody has a right to their own opinion about what is true and we should all be nice and keep it "logical".
I insist that subjective opinions are irrelevant in establishing truth.
You respond with "fuck-yourself".
Is this your idea of a logical discussion?
This is exactly the issue...creationists cannot defend their point of view with facts and evidence...I've yet to see one in any responses to Cofty's posts...
I accept and so should they that creationism has nothing to do with facts or evidence but is a mere belief.
quote from today's watchtower study article that's being studied at the halls (march 15, 2015, page 24):.
"understanding the illustration of the talents".
"when the master rewards the slaves.".
The new light is that JC appointed the JW's in 1919 "over all the domestics" to give them spiritual food and a SECOND appointment occurs during the GT where JC appoints them over "all his belongings".
Based on no scripture of course!!
in response to the 37 threads in my evolution is a fact series - see bottom of op for links - perry posted a link to an article "44 reasons why evolution isn't true".. i offered him a challenge on the thread and by pm.
predictably he is totally ignoring it, so i am offering the challenge to any evolution-denier who thinks they have evidence to support their position.. please present one specific piece of evidence for creationism.. my task will be to refute it with evidence within 24 hours.. then i will present one piece of evidence for evolution and your challenge will be the same.. all posts must be as succinct as reasonably possible.
entirely in your own words, without copy-paste, videos or links.. please post your interest to take part and we will set it up before the first actual post in the exchange.
Is it astonishing or surprising that this thread is 5 pages long with Cofty's one simple, concise post offering a challenge to those who deny evolution and believe in creationism that...
a) The creationists spout stuff that has no bearing to the thread/OP
b) Offer zero evidence
It is the fact that they can't read simple points in the OP as to how the challenge works then how are they ever going to accept evolution as fact with all the evidence if the choose to ignore it?
I think Cofty's challenge should have a hidden agenda, to reveal if creationists can understand simple far they have failed miserably...
in a discussion about the best flavour of ice cream everybody's opinion is equally valid.. in a discussion about the shape of the earth or the origin of species everybody's opinion is equally irrelevant.
only objective facts and evidence matter.. confusing these two categories is a common feature of conversations in this forum.
people deserve respect, errors do not..
Abiogenesis aside, I struggle with the concept: "From fish to man." Cognitive dissonance in a big way. It is f*#%ing impossible.
I did too...then I read Richard Dawkins book "Climbing Mount Improbable" really opened my eyes and since then I've consumed many more books...
If you think "one minute fish"..."next minute man" sounds strange...but do research and the answers are there and are far more credible than you currently think.
take a look at the back of your tv/entertainment centre.
a mass of power and signal cables connect the various pieces of equipment in very specific ways.
imagine you wanted to switch the locations of your satellite receiver and your dvd player.
Yes, God did that for a reason that you will soon find out
???? Really? Is that "soon"? Which generation will that occur?
Out of interest, Vidqun, are there any species you view as ugly? Do these bring shame on their designer?
Indeed, leeches and mosquitos that feed on "sacred blood" are very "ugly" creatures are they not...
in a discussion about the best flavour of ice cream everybody's opinion is equally valid.. in a discussion about the shape of the earth or the origin of species everybody's opinion is equally irrelevant.
only objective facts and evidence matter.. confusing these two categories is a common feature of conversations in this forum.
people deserve respect, errors do not..
I respect anyone's right to believe in anything (as long it it doesn't harm others) but equally I expect them to respect my right in that I think they are nuts for believing in something and dictating their life on something with zero evidence...
amazing read...go on , have a laugh if you want to.. new dna study confirms noah.
by brian thomas, m.s.
Lol...this thread is exactly what I wanted...Cofty posting rational links to evidence and creationists attempting to defend their belief
Sorry...but keep going!
How can anyone believe in creation after reading proper evidence is just denial...that's my stance.
amazing read...go on , have a laugh if you want to.. new dna study confirms noah.
by brian thomas, m.s.
Amazing read...go on , have a laugh if you want to.
New DNA Study Confirms Noah
by Brian Thomas, M.S.
Evolutionary teachings hold that all mankind arose from a population of ape-like ancestors from which chimpanzees also evolved. But Genesis, the rest of the Bible, and Jesus teach that all mankind arose from Noah's three sons and their wives. A new analysis of human mitochondrial DNA exposes two new evidences that validate the biblical beginnings of mankind.
Mitochondrial DNA comes from mothers. Mother egg cells transmit their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) into the cellular mitochondria of every child born. This unique annex of DNA contains 16,569 bases—either adenine, guanine, cytosine, or thymine (A, G, C, T)—that encode vital cellular information, like an instruction manual.
Scientists have been comparing the genetic differences between every major people group around the globe. How did those differences arise?
Assuming that God placed the ideal mtDNA sequence into Eve, all those differences arose by mutations since the Genesis 3 curse, about 6,000 years ago. Other scientists measured the rate at which these copying errors occur. Though very slow—we acquire about one mutation every 6 generations—a few dozen mutations could appear after several millennia.
This sets the stage for researchers to compare competing models' predictions against measured mtDNA differences.
Bible-believing molecular biologist Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson downloaded publicly available human mitochondrial genome sequence data to do exactly that. Publishing in Answers Research Journal, his results show that the number of today's mtDNA differences exactly matches the number predicted by the Bible's 6,000 years of human history.1 Mitochondrial DNA from around the world shows no trace of the 200,000 or so years' worth of mutations that the evolution model predicts.
Geneticists construct tree diagrams using software that places the most similar genetic sequences near one another, and the most dissimilar sequences on the longest branches. Jeanson found at least two distinct patterns in the human mtDNA tree diagram that confirm Genesis.
The center of the diagram shows three main trunks. Each reflects a specific mtDNA sequence with only a handful of differences from the other two.
Could these three trunks represent the unique mtDNA from the wives of Shem, Ham, and Japheth?
A second pattern emerges that also fits the three wives explanation. Assuming longer times between each generation, according to the biblical record of lifespans before the Flood, and using today's slow mutation rate, the 1,656 years between Adam and Noah would have produced the small number of differences that the short lines between each trunk represent.
Jeanson compared the small number of mtDNA differences between each trunk, or central node, with the relatively large number of differences in the branches. He wrote, "About 1,660 years passed from Creation to the Flood, whereas 4,365 years passed from the Flood to the present—a ~2.6:1 time ratio. Consistent with this, the branches connecting the nodes to one another were much shorter than the branches spraying out from the nodes—as if the short branches represented pre-Flood mutations, and the long branches represented post-Flood mutations."1
It appears that modern genetics confirms Genesis, which says, "So Noah went out, and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him."
This study produced two Genesis-confirming results. First, the human mtDNA tree has three trunks, which fits the Genesis model that all peoples descended from three foundational mothers—the wives of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Second, 6,000 years of today's slow mutation rate would exactly produce today's measured number of mtDNA differences. Genetics again confirms Genesis.