That FB account has a YT vid on it about the Saharan silver ant...which is mentioned in the Awake! on another thread here.
Curious, is he really using FB?
That FB account has a YT vid on it about the Saharan silver ant...which is mentioned in the Awake! on another thread here.
Curious, is he really using FB?
no doubt we have all heard that well used "illustration" in public talks etc over the years:.
"if you were handed a glass of water that looked pure, but were told it has just a tiny drop of poison in it, would you drink it?".
the society has used that illustration at length to say we should avoid all influences of every part of the world.. but, as we know, the society has had a track record of errors, false ideas and doctrines.
I wanna use an analogy on Jw's i know since every speaker from stage loves using analogies. I was thinking of one myself
If a forest fire was coming straight at your house and it was 100% going to burn your house down would you add on to your house? (jw's...NO)
So if armageddon is coming 100% we could say it is like that forest fire and it would be foolish to build at this time or invest time and money in much of anything (jw's...YES)
So why the F is it ok for the gb to build a new multimillion dollar complex? (jw's...???)
This illustration doesn't work.
JW's will say that buildings dedicated to Jehoover are not the focal point of his anger at the Big A...whilst Jerusalem fell in 70CE it fell because God's own people were the focal point of God's anger. Thus, God's dedicated buildings fell. the Big A Jehoover is saving His people, not punishing them thus buildings dedicated to God may survive the Big A, after all they will need something.
Because at the Big A God's people are not getting punished they will say it is likely that most, some, all or a little of buildings dedicated to Jehoover will be preserved.
no doubt we have all heard that well used "illustration" in public talks etc over the years:.
"if you were handed a glass of water that looked pure, but were told it has just a tiny drop of poison in it, would you drink it?".
the society has used that illustration at length to say we should avoid all influences of every part of the world.. but, as we know, the society has had a track record of errors, false ideas and doctrines.
The GB have come out and said that they are not inspired and are not infallible and can get things wrong...
And there is no mass walkout as of yet...8 million people are trapped in the concept that it is God's Organisation and is "the truth".
No matter what is said by the GB or printed it does not matter to a JW because they believe in the concept.
They can say all the batshit crazy they want....they can change everything and anything and it simply will not matter to those that believe in the concept that the GB are chosen by a god called "Jehovah".
the other day i was doing some research about "1914" for a friend on my wt cd library (spanish) and i found it quite interesting that the number of times "1914" is mentioned in the watchtower magazine during the previous 3 decades has been dropping exponentially as follows.... 1980-1989: mentioned 854 times.
1990-1999: mentioned 492 times.
2000-2009: mentioned 222 times.
1914 has to be the future...if the GB want the cult to survive...that is why the February 2017 study edition of the WT lays the groundwork for any future massive doctrinal change by admitting the GB are not inspired or are not infallible.
So in the future they can and will have to change 1914 but in a way that will not affect dubs.
But not in 2016, not in 2017 or even the near future but at some point it does have to go.
there's a lot of criticism surrounding the jw's handling of chiild abuse within their ranks with a lot of it being well deserved.
but i'm interested to know how people on here think child abuse allegations should be handled.
there's a few scenarios below, the first couple are easy then it gets a bit more complex.
The single biggest thing is the difference in law v congregation.
No matter the severity of the offence the law will put on you on a Sex Offenders list and the public then know.
In the congregation no matter the severity if you are deemed unrepentant then NO-ONE in the congregation will know barring the family involved and the elders.
This could mean the offender making a private ministry arrangement with a family's child, without the elders knowing about it, and can easily re-offend.
It HAS to be policy that members of a congregation know because that IS what occurs if the law get involved.
i recently commented on a thread in relation to the 607 bc - 1914 ad calculation, listing problems with the logic and mathematics.
afterwards, i wondered what made ct russell choose 606 bc in the first place.
here is my research so far.. i had read somewhere a suggestion that 606 bc was a number ct russell got from nathan balbour who in turn got it from william miller of the millerites.
Surely the important part is he chose 606 BCE, realized there was no 0 year and instead of adjusting the final year of the prophecy they adjust the START of it ie adjusted something that was supposed to be set in stone, set by history etc?
It's a complete joke to do that. Cherry picking dates to match your own ideas.
Or in other words, it is a cult.
anybody have any ideas where they are going with the "new light" they have been pushing last week and this week?
for instance in this weeks study article one section reads:.
in years gone by, we believed that jehovah became displeased with his people because they did not have a zealous share in the preaching work during world war i. we concluded that for this reason, jehovah allowed babylon the great to take them captive for a short time.
People...they just make it up as they go along...they can say anything they want to mould the bible around their history...and change the meaning of their history if they want.
It's a needs to survive hence it will always change things to make themselves look better.
so, you left because of a bad example(s).. why all the whining?
nothing better to do with your time?.
you at least know far more about the bible than any church-goer?.
Hang on folks...popcorn is now warm...right, I'm ready...go...I love these threads.
EDIT....damn I was too late...he is gone.
but pretty much all of them are now dead.
and so are billions of others.
so, god doesn't desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance?
Didn't they change it to "Millions now living MAY never die"...
And in that swoop it makes it all ok...
Russia ban them...its Gog starting his attack folks...UN will get involved...its the start of the Great Tribulation...who is laughing now eh?
You all thought that bunker video was funny, not so funny now is it? Sorry, no room for you are all bird food...