The things is...many of these cases mentioned...the victim has gone public, has done interviews, had press release and their story published for all to see and the the victims seem to be motivated, not by money, but by highlighting the dangers of WT policy and trying to foster change within the WT.
Then the WT offers a settlement along with a NDA and boom the victim gets compensation but can't tell any details...the exact thing they were trying to get change...just doesn't get done when you accept a settlement.
The fact so many settle without any change is disheartening...ask a dub who Conti is and 99% won't know yet she is probably the most famous victim...
Of course the victims are fully entitled to all they can get considering what they have suffered but I find it confusing to read about a victim and all what they want to do to the WT and alert many people to the dangers of WT child abuse policies and effect change only for them to take a settlement and closed and no change to WT child abuse policies.