You can't...once you KNOW the TTATT how can you go back in terms of any form of worship?
Family/friends would be the only reason...and the fasad that you are still one for that reasons but nothing else.
once i left ,i was done.
in over 10 years i didn't return except for my mother's funeral.
did you ever re enter the kh after you left?.
You can't...once you KNOW the TTATT how can you go back in terms of any form of worship?
Family/friends would be the only reason...and the fasad that you are still one for that reasons but nothing else.
story breaking on reuters here.... kim jong-un seems determined to start a war.
nk is a national cult of personality.
hating the rest of the world is the first tenet of faith..
The events of the last two days indicate to me no sanctions or diplomacy will work, or is even wanted.
Military action, in whatever form is it strikes against the nuclear capabilities of NK or even an assassination attempt on Kim military action is where it is heading.
Some are saying Kim is simply flexing his muscles so as to be taken more seriously around the diplomacy table...I'm not buying that.
full stop.
(paragraph 12 -- feburary 2017 watchtower -- who is leading god's people today?
)so why then would any jw abide by harmful doctrines setup by the governing body (blood, shunning, the two-witness rule, etc)?
How do you reconcile these two statements:
"The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction."
"At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."
it was recently brought to my attention by the person who was with me on the carts at the time, that a comment i made six months ago about the cart work on this forum was incorrect.
i apologise and in the interests of honesty and accuracy i feel it is only right to issue a public retraction.
i have quoted the post in question below as i am not sure how to correct or delete the original.
This is a wind up isn't it?
isn't it unbelievable that a jehovah's witness must accept whatever the organization says or they can be disfellowshipped??
unless they tell you that their understanding has changed, you cannot believe anything unless they say it's ok. .
many years ago i questioned them about their ridiculous view that whenever the word "heart" was mentioned, it was a literal blood filled organ.
Listen...obey...and be blessed...
BUT...the GB can be wrong about any doctrine and any policy they teach...
So God blesses people who obey men who teach wrong things???
Doesn't add up to me...
what is the watchtower going to do when the money runs out ??
They have made a billion dollars over the last few years...they are not going to run out of money in our lifetime's...
these people won't state anything definitively, but here's an excerpt from the study article entitled "making christian marriage a success", in the august, 2016 watchtower.
it does make me wonder.. although the bible does not provide specific rules about the kinds and limits of love play that might be associated with natural, sexual intimacy, it mentions displays of affection.
(song of solomon 1:2; 2:6) christian marriage partners should treat each other with tenderness.
Aren't those versus quoted relating to a period of courtship, not marriage?
I doubt it with reference sexual intimacy...
i hate to say this, but given my own experience as a jw for almost 3 decades, i am beginning to believe the average jw will continue to look to and be guided by the gb regardless of whether they are right or wrong.. despite all the scandals and negative media attention the watchtower organisation is receiving, life seems to go on as normal in jw land.
it's truly bizarre!!.
clearly, the gbs tactic of mostly hiding away from the media is clearly working for them. mean it is a cult? Gasp...
We have the GB saying that the dubs should follow their advice "even if it seems unreasonable from a human standpoint" and then later they say that they are not inspired, are not infallible and every doctrine and policy can be wrong...
And yet everyone still listens, obeys and be blessed, at the cost of what was it? 30,000 lives lost from 1961 to 2016 because of the DF on taking blood...
jehovah's witnesses have had to revise their chronology and various doctrinal interpretations due to events and scholarly corrections.
but the one teaching where they have been consistently ahead of the curve is the importance of jehovah's name.. .
i'm going to run through a (necessarily selective) timeline of jw events and scholarly publications that demonstrate the phenomenal success of this teaching in the last days.
The most successful teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses and an amazing new book on the divine name
WTF???? What on earth is going on SBF?
robert ciranko has been a "helper" of the governing body in the writing department.. don adams (born 1925, presumably 91 years old now) has been president of the wtbts since 2000. .
however, in recent official posts (april 2016), robert ciranko is identified as "president of the watch tower".
does anybody know what happened and if this is an official change?.
It is that Jehovah is in charge of the work and in complete control.
But the GB just said recently that they are not infallable and that they are not inspired so how is the big J in charge then?