The criteria used by "Jesus" and "Jehovah" to choose in 1919 the "JW's" back then was not attitude but rather the truth on the doctrines they taught. Attitude was not the reason because the Proclaimers books advises that many zealous groups were around back then.
So the criteria used was the Bible Students taught truth.
Why I know the JW's were NOT selected in 1919 to represent any god is because the criteria that is published today as "truth" is vastly different to what they taught in 1919.
If Jesus/Jehovah chose them in 1919 then either they both got it wrong too or the JW's were not selected.
But you can't have them be selected in 1919 on the basis of teaching truth and doctrines and then change said doctrines and attribute the changes to the very beings who selected them in the first place.
If they were selected in 1919 because of truth and doctrines then those truths and doctrines should still be in place today.
They are not.