by 'associating' you mean...what?
i am having a hard time understanding why the current jw doctrine is to df a jw who associates with a df'd person.
however, the elders cannot do anything to you for hanging around df'd family, even if you admit it is not necessary and they know it.
can someone explain this?.
by 'associating' you mean...what?
the past two week's worth of wt studies have made a couple points that appear contradictory in nature.
yesterday was too much, i felt at least.
either there's another faction within the writing department fighting for the equivalent of airtime in the literature, or they're all so indoctrinated that they fail to see the irony in what they publish.. for instance, take paragraph 5 from last week's lesson.. 5. unlike the law codes of many countries, "the perfect law" is neither complex nor burdensome but consists of simple commandements and principles.
my point exactly my friend...
the tyre prophecy in ezekiel 29 is one failed prophecy.
nebuchadnezzar never destroyed and plundered tyre like he was predicted to..
im not quite following your idea with Moses and rulers , plz explain.
the past two week's worth of wt studies have made a couple points that appear contradictory in nature.
yesterday was too much, i felt at least.
either there's another faction within the writing department fighting for the equivalent of airtime in the literature, or they're all so indoctrinated that they fail to see the irony in what they publish.. for instance, take paragraph 5 from last week's lesson.. 5. unlike the law codes of many countries, "the perfect law" is neither complex nor burdensome but consists of simple commandements and principles.
No agenda, just browsing the various interesting subjects. I admit I do enjoy being drawn into a good debate though.
When its all I said I do appreciate you engaging with me on this subject. Now, I also understand that there is much opinion on this site (as you yourself admitted), as much as ‘facts’ are touted. I would imagine that is the case when we are discussing the subject of religions and orgs. So many aspects of these are subject to ‘opinion’ and that little word called faith.
There are a few facts to say the least, but your frustrations originate from the lack of palpable proof (or whatever you may be looking for) in regards to many elements of this particular religion. For ex, I cannot prove to you that the f&d slave is such, anymore than you cannot prove to me that it isn’t. It’s a matter of opinion and that little aforementioned word again.
On the subject of mind control…I could go as far as to give in a little on that argument only because you yourself have admitted that one can submit to mind control willingly. This happens in religions and outside of them. Take for example your marriage…it too has ‘rules’ and ‘consequences’ for not following them, right? if the lady cheats on you or vice versa I gather it won’t feel very good. But if you care enough you’ll follow the ‘rule’ and avoid the consequence. See? Now who invented such a rule and more importantly, why would you follow it willingly? Was it mind control? Could it be because your ideals and sense of self worth compels you to it? Possibly…
But the fact is you bought into the idea of marriage and you willingly follow its ‘rules’…until you decide its no longer worth it for you…same with any religion, you have a choice…
the past two week's worth of wt studies have made a couple points that appear contradictory in nature.
yesterday was too much, i felt at least.
either there's another faction within the writing department fighting for the equivalent of airtime in the literature, or they're all so indoctrinated that they fail to see the irony in what they publish.. for instance, take paragraph 5 from last week's lesson.. 5. unlike the law codes of many countries, "the perfect law" is neither complex nor burdensome but consists of simple commandements and principles.
you refer to the elders as though you were mortally afraid of them!
who are these elders, that carry so much power that you cannot possibly change your ideals?
its a 'religion', or a concentration camp??
the past two week's worth of wt studies have made a couple points that appear contradictory in nature.
yesterday was too much, i felt at least.
either there's another faction within the writing department fighting for the equivalent of airtime in the literature, or they're all so indoctrinated that they fail to see the irony in what they publish.. for instance, take paragraph 5 from last week's lesson.. 5. unlike the law codes of many countries, "the perfect law" is neither complex nor burdensome but consists of simple commandements and principles.
i asked the question assuming that that was the problem being argued against.
but there are some inconsistencies in your answer...
first you state that some want to be controlled while others dont even realize it...so, if some want to be controlled as you yourself have confirmed, then...what's the argument?
then you state that in fact everybody in the org IS controlled, while you then concede by your inclusion of the comment, that your wife disagrees with you...if she is in disagreement then...who to believe?
is it possible that ideals line up to the extent that we can relate to an org or any other entity and be just that, instead of...mind control?
the past two week's worth of wt studies have made a couple points that appear contradictory in nature.
yesterday was too much, i felt at least.
either there's another faction within the writing department fighting for the equivalent of airtime in the literature, or they're all so indoctrinated that they fail to see the irony in what they publish.. for instance, take paragraph 5 from last week's lesson.. 5. unlike the law codes of many countries, "the perfect law" is neither complex nor burdensome but consists of simple commandements and principles.
woods -
wasnt arguing about Alexander and pyramids being great or not...in fact i agree with that common 'opinion'...
now in regards to your question of micromanagement, yes, it sounds like it, but my question was does Captain feel HE is being micromanaged or others to their ill-effect?
captain -
your comparison (married couple) is not very appropiate being that you're implying that in such marriage there is no way out, while there is most certainly a 'way out' of this org.
the past two week's worth of wt studies have made a couple points that appear contradictory in nature.
yesterday was too much, i felt at least.
either there's another faction within the writing department fighting for the equivalent of airtime in the literature, or they're all so indoctrinated that they fail to see the irony in what they publish.. for instance, take paragraph 5 from last week's lesson.. 5. unlike the law codes of many countries, "the perfect law" is neither complex nor burdensome but consists of simple commandements and principles.
wasnt trying to sound arrogant...my apologies...
...are you explaining that you yourself are being micromanaged or that others are being micromanaged to their ill effect?
the recovering thinker.
hi, my name is bob, and i am a recovering thinker..... it started out innocently enough: i began thinking at meetings now and then to loosen up.
inevitably though, one thought led to another and soon i was more than just a theocratic thinker.
Hi my name is (snappy first name) Thinker
help me, i cant stop thinking about jw's and the fds, wtower, etc., etc...
why is it that, though a great thinker i am, i cant help but to think of the aforementioned thoughts?
i think i need some real help...
the past two week's worth of wt studies have made a couple points that appear contradictory in nature.
yesterday was too much, i felt at least.
either there's another faction within the writing department fighting for the equivalent of airtime in the literature, or they're all so indoctrinated that they fail to see the irony in what they publish.. for instance, take paragraph 5 from last week's lesson.. 5. unlike the law codes of many countries, "the perfect law" is neither complex nor burdensome but consists of simple commandements and principles.
i recall the article covered that reasoning beforehand explaining that there are in fact 'laws' or rules that provide 'freedom'... law of gravity??
where is the contradiction for the org?
if the Alexander can be called Great and pyramids be called Great, then yes, God can be called Great anything too...I believe its called an opinion...