Hmm - in the past being Manly meant.
Getting into fights
Taking no bs
Hitting women
Treating women like slaves
Taking what you want
Not showing your emotions
Not ever crying
Drinking a lot
Is that what your talking about?
so much is said regarding men , in a negative way.
shaving commercials are now lecturing us as to how bad we really are.
men should be less masculine.
Hmm - in the past being Manly meant.
Getting into fights
Taking no bs
Hitting women
Treating women like slaves
Taking what you want
Not showing your emotions
Not ever crying
Drinking a lot
Is that what your talking about?
just curious if anyone put off having kids because the end was so close.
or because of you're "ministry" or lack of suitable mates..
All this sister could say was "all this world can think of is sex, sex, sex". This sister soon had 4 children.
That's because religion in general has demonized sex (always been a way to control people).
1st, all I thought of my whole live - even when I was an uber-elder, was SEX!
Saying "all the world can think of is sex" in a pejorative way, is Exactly like saying - all the world can think of is "eating" or "breathing" - ITS NATURAL, it's our hormones, it's the way we are made!
just curious if anyone put off having kids because the end was so close.
or because of you're "ministry" or lack of suitable mates..
Yes we did put it off.
Instead of having kids early on, we waited till...
We pioneered, build 20 kingdom halls, served where the need was great, helped a foreign language group, became an MS, then a well known and respected elder... (i.e wasted our fucking lives)
Then her bio clock really started ticking and we had our 1st in our late 30s.
BUT!!!!! Unlike most people, we will not enjoy our kids for 40 or 50 years, and Grandkids for 20 or 30 years.
No one thinks about that part. We have 2 amazing kids, but we will not experience their life the way say my mom has experienced her kids lives.
rights seem to be everywhere nowadays.
say hello to someone in the wrong way and you've violated 101 of their human rights.
people imagine they have the right to all sorts of things - food, healthcare, housing, internet ... so many things are labelled basic rights and then you get onto their human rights - a favourite of the do-nothing bodies such as the un to declare.
Lots of bigots and people who seem to follow the mentality of the WT even though they left it, on this blog.
Leaves lots of people with no much right to criticize the WT I think.
interesting video explaining how to end a bible study.. watch the kind of uber behaviour of the witnesses: make a choice or we leave.... so hard, so not christian.
no love for the person.. g..
Well its because the CARTS are SOOO productive!
Why waste time with someone who actually lets you in their home and wants to talk?
Jesus would be proud:)
apologies if this topic has been discussed earlier.. i was thinking of whether demanding for a ban on shunning policy would be beneficial for the larger society.
following are some things that we need to remember while advocating the issue:.
1. shunning is not limited to jw's and for many americans, it is not that controversial as it seems.. 2. jw shunning is not a dark secret policy.
1. Shunning is not limited to JW's and for many Americans, it is not that controversial as it seems.
Really? Every person I have talked to since I faded (and was shunned anyway), is horrified by it, and right away says - "I didnt know JWs were a CULT, I just thought they were nice people who rang doorbells."
without a doubt, jw life is boring.
and those meetings!
5 congregation meetings, meetings for field service, elders meetings, judicial meetings, meetings to figure out who was qualified to clean the toilets....🤔.
I dont think money in any way is drying up. Not sure where that idea is coming from.
They get more per US congregation today than EVER, and they are liquidating halls all the time for big lump sums.
They are richer than EVER.
without a doubt, jw life is boring.
and those meetings!
5 congregation meetings, meetings for field service, elders meetings, judicial meetings, meetings to figure out who was qualified to clean the toilets....🤔.
I just waited till I had a part or did the school.
I worked very hard to not be in the normal mold and really teach, inspire, and entertain by being compelling.
All things I greatly regret now.
what attracts you in a male or female?
give me an example or better yet a pic to tell me what you like.😈.
bondie - you dont think guys think of women sexualy like every second of the day?
And last time I checked, women like to dress and look sexy.
Now this post has very little to do with JWs other than JW guys have these conversations all the time too. We always talked about what actresses we thought were hot.
when the doctor pulled my screaming body out of mom all those 7 decades ago, i landed in a post-wwii world.the world of 1947--compared to today's world--an alien planet.. the world i live in today has nothing in common with the world in which i grew up.. there were no cell phones back then--there were black telephones with a dial-tone and an operator who placed your call.
everywhere you found telephone booths!
a call was a nickel.where did all those telephone booths go?i dunno.where did my whole world go?i dunno.. tv sets were huge boxes with tubes and small screens.
When you really look a it, not much has changed.
Things are faster and more convenient.
Thats about it.