Its the END TIMES!
Matthew 24!! See its all real!
Jehober is bringing the big A!
Oh wait, it was just the weather :(
news reports.
"golf-ball size hail.
" anyone know anyone who was under that?.
Its the END TIMES!
Matthew 24!! See its all real!
Jehober is bringing the big A!
Oh wait, it was just the weather :(
how alienated from jehovah and un-christian so many bethelites must be, who finished their higher education and gained their degrees!
i don't know how they can live with their consciences!.
pages 6 & 7, pars.
OMG! First of all - this is all made up, it is NOT a real story. Just like most of the "real life" experinaces
What challenges did she face? She admits: “Studying for my courses took so much time and effort that I was too busy to linger in prayer to Jehovah
Really, she couldn't linger? WTF?
I am ashamed to admit that the education I pursued taught me to be critical of others
For the millionth time - JW Double Speak - Critical thinking = being critical of others. (what colleges do to you)
I HATED THAT SO MUCH even as a True Believer!
Critical thinking is the ability to examine something and weigh it on merritt and evidence, not "BELITTLING" others - AKA Elder the WT and the GB.
i've noticed how this religion is kind of narrow.
all they ever do is preach, study the watchtower, or their meeting or convention.
no other organized functions that i know of.
But, yeah, I remember sitting at the meeting as a kid, and they would have a watchtower about SEX. I didn't even know what sex was! It makes me cringe that all these little kids are being exposed to this.
So much totally inappropriate stuff like that, that I remember as a kid, and also conducted as an Elder.
I remember making fun of churches who had separate classes for Kids while the parents were hearing a sermon.
I was SOOO WRONG! states that they are the true religion.
i was told that it is written in the bible that is the true religion.
the following is the "alleged" evidence that was presented to me:.
The bible is such a joke, and religion is evil.
So funny how every israeli archaeologist (as well as plenty others) cant find a SHRED of evidence that Moses ever existed, or that those "millions" of fugitives who left egypt, ever existed. Surely one of them would have dropped a knife or hammer or something :)
Also isn't it funny how the World Empire of Egypt, when it lost ALL its slaves and ALL its ARMY wasn't sacked by any other nation? Were they all just being nice to Egypt?
I could go on and on...
I can't believe I believe all this horse crap for so long. :(
evening all.
my first post - born in but faded 15 years ago before that i was pimo for a number of years.. to put it bluntly the whole jw religion/thing is a crock of shit.
i sort of figured this out for myself before i faded but reading posts and comments on this forum confirms this.
Welcome fellow United fan!
i thought this might catch your eye.
especially if you're a man.. they say thinking about sex is wrong!
that's biologically impossible.
Of course not, sex is bad! :)
So funny how for creatures who were suposed to live "forever" sex and sexuality is such a massive part of our mental and physiological makeup.
Really, is copulation the best way to create a perfect eternal race of worshipers? Is that the best god could come up with?
Within a blink of an eye, the earth would be filled by people? So what are our genitals good for then?
And yes - everyone thinks about sex large parts of they day.
And yes - our hormones demand such, and it is a biological imperative.
Religion has made sex as bad, sinful, and wrong.
Religion has used sex as a way to control people.
Religion has made it so women who are sexual are dirty and bad.
Oral and anal sex is forbidden even in marriage within the Jehovah Witness religion.
OMG THEY ARE THE BEST! Especially anal!
Religion needs to end. states that they are the true religion.
i was told that it is written in the bible that is the true religion.
the following is the "alleged" evidence that was presented to me:.
I think its BS. Tribal concoction mixed with folklore and dogma.
No such thing a true religion.
(fyi everyone thinks their religion is true, and all the others are false or not right)
The bible is one of the most hateful collections of writing ever.
Has caused so much war, hatred, pain and suffering.
i notice they commented that "we" should not sympathise with protestors, like the protestors are always right.
sometimes i feel a protest would be a good place for a machine gun, because i do have feelings on different things.
despite their stated neitral stance, the wt is left leaning.
I have seen fewer statements that are more inaccurate than this one.
Sometimes I feel a protest would be a good place for a machine gun,
And you want to kill people who are exercising their rights (at least in America) to speak openly and freely about their issues?
did anyone else notice this?.
tony tightpants has the "morning worship" featurette in the march jw broadcast.. he appears to be hoping that someone will be videotaping the slaughter of 7 billion men, women, and children at armageddon.. quote is something like "we have some really good videographers here at bethel, but i don't think even they could capture what will happen.
still, all things are possible with god..." (not exact, but that is the gist).. and of course morris imagines himself as one of the "anointed", who will be the ones, per wt doctrine, to conduct the slaughter.. it takes a special kind of hubris, arrogance, and sadism to wish that you yourself could be filmed in the act of slaughtering billions of people.. i've encountered a lot of jws with "dark souls", but based on his public comments, i'd say morris has teh blackest one i've seen.. if he says stuff like this for broadcast to 8 million + jws, what does he say in private?
Yes, just like what slimboy said - now - a depiction of what it would look like.
Now why would someone even contemplate wanting a video of 7+ billion people being killed is the real question.
Would this be a good thing to look at?
Maybe it would. Maybe JWs might see that their loving dog is not all that loving after all.
it has always struck me that wt is so very short-sighted in many things.
often, they are very re-active, and not so much pro-active in their reasoning and the way they plan for the future.. just thinking today, and have kicked this one around for a while now.. is the watchtower organization truly sustainable?
is a new monetary structure on the horizon?
Short sighted WT is never an issue when the "Flock" can't remember what they were told to believe last year.
And their expenses are minimal compared to the money they have coming in.
Remember over 2 billion in property sales in a pretty short time.
They have zeroed out or greatly reduced there top expensives over the last 5 or 6 years.
They will continue to do that.