I is edumacated to!
I went to meetings for 45 years - and I knows it is like getting a Degeees from Harvards, Prinstons, and Yell colleges. Even better Jehober lobes me for it.
massachusetts saturday afternoon fall 2005. .
here is a talk that anthony morris gave at a local congregation in 2005, titled ''beware of the birdcatcher.
'' he has everyone laughing in stitches in the first fifteen minutes.
I is edumacated to!
I went to meetings for 45 years - and I knows it is like getting a Degeees from Harvards, Prinstons, and Yell colleges. Even better Jehober lobes me for it.
my name is matthew j and i have just ended my study with the jehovah's witnesses.
no, i did not stop studying because i believe the jehovah's witnesses are a 'cult', i left due to the minor beliefs that i hold that remain separate from the organization.
i called my elder who is still an amazing man and great counselor, affirming that i do not wish to continue my studying.
You are funny man.
You defend them but don't believe them enough to join them.
Dude - they only shun people who had been JWs and left, not a BS (bible study) like you.
Get this through your skull.
You are EASY field service hours to them.
You are and EASY RV to them.
You make their day in service easier because if you are home you will answer.
You are no more than that now.
No not any more. There is 0 evidence. All anyone can point to is just feelings, or not knowing how anything could have started.
But if there is a higher power, he is a sadistic a-hole.
yep, we are back after taking some extended time off.. the jwleaks.org website had been archived for some time.
i was concentrating on other jw-related projects in relation to say sorry.. but the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, who no longer claim to be infallible, decided that in their fallibility the best use of 'dedicated funds' would be to launch civil action against me in a us federal court.
to this end watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, inc., sent their attorneys after me.
i knew of several elders who would tell their wife's everything that happened in a committee meeting.
he is still and elder and very old but i doubt he has changed.
we used to call him.
Yes - most of them - duh
jesus's apostles were confused by some of his sayings.
they didn't understand the true sense of what jesus was trying to tell them about baptism.
"no one'', he said, ''would get the true meaning of this scripture until a modern day "organization" in the 21st century rises up and reveals the truth.".
Lord of the Rings has a tighter storyline than the bible.
jesus's apostles were confused by some of his sayings.
they didn't understand the true sense of what jesus was trying to tell them about baptism.
"no one'', he said, ''would get the true meaning of this scripture until a modern day "organization" in the 21st century rises up and reveals the truth.".
Everything about the bible is confusing.
It is like reading Tea Leaves, i will say whatever you want it to say.
Thus the THOUSANDS of christian denominations and the many major divisions and contradictory beliefs with in them.
they have the dumbest thinking.. us vs. them mentality.
example: if you don't worship 'jehovah', you're a satanist.
the truth is, if you dont worship jehovah, you're not worshipping anyone!
Who says those things are right?
The bible is an ambiguous story book that you can make say anything you want it too.
Since the only way the WT would ever keep people in the organization is to employ common cult practices.
Recognize any of the below?
• Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
• Process of indoctrination
• No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.
• No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget or expenses, such as an independently audited financial statement.
• Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.
• There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.
• Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.
• There are records, books, news articles, or broadcast reports that document the abuses of the group/leader.
• Followers feel they can never be "good enough".
• The group/leader is always right.
• The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.
so much is said regarding men , in a negative way.
shaving commercials are now lecturing us as to how bad we really are.
men should be less masculine.
Hmm - in the past being Manly meant.
Getting into fights
Taking no bs
Hitting women
Treating women like slaves
Taking what you want
Not showing your emotions
Not ever crying
Drinking a lot
Is that what your talking about?
just curious if anyone put off having kids because the end was so close.
or because of you're "ministry" or lack of suitable mates..
All this sister could say was "all this world can think of is sex, sex, sex". This sister soon had 4 children.
That's because religion in general has demonized sex (always been a way to control people).
1st, all I thought of my whole live - even when I was an uber-elder, was SEX!
Saying "all the world can think of is sex" in a pejorative way, is Exactly like saying - all the world can think of is "eating" or "breathing" - ITS NATURAL, it's our hormones, it's the way we are made!