Its one thing. Persecution complex.
When fear is sown, you can sell other bullshit much easier.
so i'm watching john cedars commentary on the annual meeting from this last october, and at one point he shows a clip of garrett loesch talking about the struggles jehovah's witnesses faced decades before in the soviet union.
he claimed that police officers, maybe the kgb, infiltrated congregations which met in secret by studying with jehovah's witnesses, getting baptized, and then working their way up to becoming elders.
ceders jokes that this shows what kind of role holy spirit actually plays within body of elders, but another interpretation came to my mind just now.
Its one thing. Persecution complex.
When fear is sown, you can sell other bullshit much easier.
the new study edition watchtower is up, and most of it is devoted to child abuse damage control..
the elders may privately warn the parents of minors in the congregation of the need to monitor their children’s interactions with the individual.
This is BullSh%t!! They MAY? So they may not? And how long do they do this? As people move in and out and have kids, do we trust them to MAY?
How about when the creep moves? May the next congregation tell parents?
What about all the kids in the neighborhood? May they tell those parents?
This is just the WT CYA crap. Nothing will change.
following is a summary of events leading up to my decision to disassociate from jehovah's witnesses and the unforeseen results of that decision.. a young man named joel engardio produced a documentary about jehovah's witnesses called "knocking" which aired nationally on pbs.
i purchased the dvd from joel before it was even released and we exchanged emails.
joel had been raised by his jw mother and had been active in jw activities during his adolescence, but he was never baptized as a jw.
I am sorry for the crap you went through, but HAPPY they helped you get out of the CULT!
I had an opportunity that made it easy for me to play the Stumbled Card and my elders were to afraid to really confront me since they had a lot of guilt about what happened.
What happened to you I think is kinda odd. You seem to have a lot of really Asshole elders, more than the usual congregation.
Good luck!
january 29th - my baptism date.
can you remember how you felt at your baptism?.
i got baptised because my dad kept frightening me.
I got baptized cus my friends were, and it was the only chance to try and get a JW girl I had a crush on.
Just like Freud said - its all about the p#ssy:)
the final part of the october, 2018 annual meeting has now been released of jw org tv.the following includes a transcript of mark sanderson's speech for those that don't want to listen to the broadcast.. we have long held that the land of decoration is the "spiritual estate of jehovah's people"... now brothers what can we say about all these events that have taken place (referring to recent events in russia) in such a short period of time?
well, truly, if you're a student of the history of god's organization, you can say these events are unprecedented in our history.
we've never seen a country or a territory with 175,000 witnesses of jehovah go under ban.
1. "We must follow direction from Jehovah's organization ... Why? Because Jehovah will provide us with the direction that we need, so that we can maintain our spirituality. And Brothers it is vital that we adhere to that direction closely in order to preserve our spirituality and the spirituality of others who may worship with us."
1. We are going to be asking you for MORE money, make sure you give it to us!
2. We are going to be selling your KH and move you into an already crowded hall, don't complain!
3. We are going to tell you to be more frightened of other people, you better do it.
i rather apprehensively would like to say hello.. i've been raised somewhat in the truth,one of my parents is rather rather strong in the beliefs but could honestly be considered pomi with how active they are and their side of the family comes from a line of witnesses, the other parent was but faded a long time ago.
as such i was taught quite a bit of jw teachings between family and off and on again bible studies.
recently i had a serious emotional break down over a few months after said pomi parent had advised me that they would not attend my wedding should that day come (i also had recieved a text from my bible teacher i hadnt heard from in a year or two giving a scripture) and it sorta all sank on me that my activity over the last few years was not really jw material.
Jidders remember these 2 things ALWAYS!
1. Truth should WELCOME scrutiny. It should never be afraid of sincere questions.
2. Extraordinary claims require Extraordinary evidence.
If someone is ever not willing to work under those 2 axioms, something is very very wrong!!! RUN!
i notice that several of the congs i've been to seem to have a majority of the male roles performed by older men.
very few young men are wanting to be ms or elders etc.
it also seems like very few young people are being pioneers either.. would you agree with this?
Depends completely on the congregation.
Plenty of young guys who want to "reach out" in some congregations, and few in others.
massachusetts saturday afternoon fall 2005. .
here is a talk that anthony morris gave at a local congregation in 2005, titled ''beware of the birdcatcher.
'' he has everyone laughing in stitches in the first fifteen minutes.
I is edumacated to!
I went to meetings for 45 years - and I knows it is like getting a Degeees from Harvards, Prinstons, and Yell colleges. Even better Jehober lobes me for it.
my name is matthew j and i have just ended my study with the jehovah's witnesses.
no, i did not stop studying because i believe the jehovah's witnesses are a 'cult', i left due to the minor beliefs that i hold that remain separate from the organization.
i called my elder who is still an amazing man and great counselor, affirming that i do not wish to continue my studying.
You are funny man.
You defend them but don't believe them enough to join them.
Dude - they only shun people who had been JWs and left, not a BS (bible study) like you.
Get this through your skull.
You are EASY field service hours to them.
You are and EASY RV to them.
You make their day in service easier because if you are home you will answer.
You are no more than that now.
No not any more. There is 0 evidence. All anyone can point to is just feelings, or not knowing how anything could have started.
But if there is a higher power, he is a sadistic a-hole.