Great list:)
Love getting the reminders of how many there were.
what you will not be told at the door bythe jehovah’s witnesses.
the jehovah’s witness (or watchtower bible and tract society) have made the followingpredictions which appear in their own literature:.
1. that jesus would return by 1874. when jesus failed to appear, the witnesses claimedthat it was an unseen, spiritual return.
Great list:)
Love getting the reminders of how many there were.
a woman gets an abortion.
the baby is supposed to die because of the abortion but doesn’t.
should that living baby be put to death or should the baby be given medical help to survive?.
Love - a CONSERVATIVE republican (Lincoln).
The both parties have changed values in the last 200 years a number of times.
But Conservative v. Liberal is a better lens to view their ideologies.
This is not in question, its history.
A quick article on it is here -
I am not sure what you mean by Attack? There were PLENTY of Liberals who were very vocal about Obama not being liberal enough. And there are plenty of democrats today who have issues with other democrats.
In fact - history shows that the modern (since the late 60's) - the Democratic party is not a monolithic party as is the GOP. They have been described as trying to herd cats. There are many more factions in the Dem party than in the GOP.
a woman gets an abortion.
the baby is supposed to die because of the abortion but doesn’t.
should that living baby be put to death or should the baby be given medical help to survive?.
Respectfully - Liberals also insisted on blacks being able to use the same water fountain that whites do. When you open a business in America you are not suposed to discriminate. That's the 14 amendment.
And your example of the maga hat is as spurious as the Antifa reference. So 1 out of 100,000 business did that.
That is the equivalent of saying that 1 Neo Nazi act of violence means all Conservatives are Nazi sympathisers.
By the way:
Conservatives wanted Slavery.
Conservatives didnt want women to vote.
Conservatives want prayers in school, and the bible and 10 commandments taught.
Conservatives didnt want Blacks to have the vote.
Conservatives didnt want equal rights or pay for women.
Conservatives didnt want a 5 day work week.
Conservatives don't want sex ed taught in school.
Conservatives don't want Evolution taught in school.
Conservatives generally feel Homosexuals are an abomination and want to restrict their rights.
Other leanings that are fact:
a woman gets an abortion.
the baby is supposed to die because of the abortion but doesn’t.
should that living baby be put to death or should the baby be given medical help to survive?.
No minius - Liberals expect everyone to respect the freedom individuals have to choose.
They are the ones who don't expect everyone to live by someone else's standard.
Conservatives are the ones who want to rule by bible law, they are the ones who want to impose their values on everyone else. Liberals want people to be free.
a woman gets an abortion.
the baby is supposed to die because of the abortion but doesn’t.
should that living baby be put to death or should the baby be given medical help to survive?.
OnTheWayOut - you said it brother! 100%
Nice thing about LIBERALS - is they trust people to make choices for themselves.
You know the whole Freedom thing.
I find Conservatives often want to make everyone else live by their rules. (sounds like being a JW to me)
i stopped attending meetings about three months ago.
after researching everything i could find on jehovahs witnesses (which is a lot) i can happily say i am awake and free.
i was a baptized witness for over 25 year.
Welcome. Know that so many of us have had similar experiences
Coftys advice on being patient is good, take it.
a woman gets an abortion.
the baby is supposed to die because of the abortion but doesn’t.
should that living baby be put to death or should the baby be given medical help to survive?.
a woman gets an abortion.
the baby is supposed to die because of the abortion but doesn’t.
should that living baby be put to death or should the baby be given medical help to survive?.
The President has no bearing on the decisions of the court and the court is meant to be a collection of non-partisan judges who interpret the law and constitution.
Those were the days:)
a woman gets an abortion.
the baby is supposed to die because of the abortion but doesn’t.
should that living baby be put to death or should the baby be given medical help to survive?.
Hmm - I wonder how many people die each day because they are not able to receive treatment for a disease, need a drug they cant afford, or have no access to any kind of healthcare?
Funny how Pro Lifers don't give a F about them.
Roe vs Wade is laughably stupid beyond belief as a SCOTUS judgement and based on a fraudulent claim - a false claim of rape that didn't happen.
This was a ruling that happened under a Republican President, and a Conservative Court (more conservatives voted for it than liberals).
Also the case had to do with a Doctor's ability to treat a patient, and a patients self determination.
Just like ALL SCOTUS cases, they are not about 1 person or 1 case, they are about determination of law for the whole country.
in the movie "roma," a man is shown making some martial type moves with a sword totally naked.
and the scene is not so brief, giving a clear glimpse of his private parts.
it is a very graphic scene.
Is something wrong with sex and nudity?
Is a glimpse of a dick worse than seeing people murdered?
I never see people complain that "hey did they really have to show that person getting shot 3 times, wasn't 2 enough?