OMG, I am responding again to Heaven! Run, Heaven, run! (That is for the complete idiots out there)
I also believe that the issue with Skeptic / Being aggressive / Talking Marriage & Greencard after one week is one that all the women here need to be made aware of. Im sure XW isnt the first and probably wont be the last.
I think they all need to be aware of it too. That is why I tell them. I am actually thinking of making a web page about it and just handing them the link.
When American falls in love with a Canadian, she will have grief. I had this radical idea that maybe I should tell them upfront before they fell in love with me. I didn't know that made me a player. Good, so next time I will court them for months, have them fall in love with me, and then spring it on them. Ah, good to know that that approach does not make me a player. (For the idiots out there, and I assume Heaven is not one of them, I just used sarcasm.)
American ladies? Guess what, your immigration laws are tough. Canadians are one of the easiest ones to get in. And here is the low down. I call this little speech "The Marriage Talk".
TN Visa: Did that to live with Windrider. If an American company hires me until a very specific job title, it is easy to get. cost is $56. Not permanent though. If I lose my job, I am sent back to Canada. That happened to me and it sucks. Also, if I want to marry an American, say Windrider, I have to return to Canada and go through the fiance Visa route.
Fiance Visa: 6-9 months to get typically. Don't know the cost. Needs a medical and a bunch of paperwork. Both parties must be either single or be divorced...with the divorce finalized BEFORE the process starts. Any problems, there is typically a 40 day delay each time you submit changes to the paperwork. Once approved, I am live with you and work in the States, but we must wed in 3 months. We must stay married at least 5 years, or I get sent back to Canada.
Green Card: Difficult to get, can take months (years?) to get. I think if I do the paperwork, the cost is $250. If you pay a firm to get you one, it is $10,000 or more. If your employer finds you extremely valuable he will get one for you. Must be renewed every ten years.
Marrying an American outside of the States and then moving to the States: I could live with you but could not work for something like 2 years.
Sponsoring: If you have a high income or lots of assets, you can sponsor me. You are financially responsible for me for ten years if I lose my job.
Getting a Job in Canada and then transferring to that companies office in the States: VERY easy to do, costs little. Lose your job and I think you go back to Canada.....
Moving to Canada: Believe it costs between $1500-3000. Needs a medical, pretty straight forward. It is fairly easy to move into Canada. Takes six months.
So, ladies when you flock to me, I recommend the fiance Visa or the Moving to Canada thingie. As you can see, it takes 6-9 months. With the fiance visa we have to live in the separate countries until approval is granted (i think).
And I haven't even touched on the problems caused by a Long Distance Relationship (LDR). Even with an hour's drive between you, it is not easy. If you are half a contentient away from me, we will not have sex in real time for months or years, not be able to hold eachother and not be able to just to things together. It can rip the heart to shreds. We will have found the perfect mate, but cannot be with them for more than brief periods of time. Those invisible lines called borders, etc. tear the heart to shreds. It is so heart-wretching to see your love across a red line but know you cannot embrace them one more time and that you will not see them for weeks or months.
Plane fares are expensive. The phone bills alone could reach $1000 per month....but if we are smart, we would use MSN to talk for free. Preferrably with cams so we can at least see each others facial expressions somewhat.
Yeah folks, that sounds like a speech that would win any lady. A speech a major player would tell a woman right away. Can't you ladies just feel the pull to run off with Skeptic now?
And yes, due to my current situation, it is simpler if I move to be with her. I do not own a home and am able to move my son to anywhere in North America. Also, I have only been here a year, so I have few ties to this area. Often others are not in a position to move. They either own a home that they do not wish to sell or cannot take their children out of state because of visitation rights issues, or have other ties due to living in one place a long time.
And before anybody gets on the bandwagon about how much of a player I am because this is so well thought out, I had to find out possiblities before I moved to be with Windrider. Plus, I have never been secretive about wanting to live in the States. Quite the opposite. Plus, I simply think about things and explore possibilities.
Now, let's cover the aspect of your rich and I am poor. Get a prenuptial agreement. That way I cannot steal your assets. And it protects your assets from people that would try to get at them when trying to get money out of me.
Do I still get some benefit from your assets? Yes, I do. If you live in a nice home and I live with you, I get the benefits of living in that nice home too. But at least I can't steal it from you.
Want to know what I recommend? That American women fall in love with another American, preferrably one that lives close by. Trust me, that will save you no end of heartache.
I just told all the ladies and men on this board what it would be like if they fell in love with me. And I haven't even approached them yet! OMG, I just played the entire board at once! What a major player I am!
Of course, if I was ethical and NOT a player, I would make certain that an American lady was madly in love with me for months before I let her know the challenges of getting me to live with her in America. (Note: sarcasm was just used again.)
The collar thing was a bad joke. Sorry. But it is the sad truth for the women involved with Skeptic. And why did Robyn get so upset by it? It is what he does right? I mean "he" says its just fine to put a collar on his woman. Obviously Robyn isnt comfortable with it, otherwise she wouldnt have gotten so upset by my mentioning it.
Heaven, are you playing games with us too? Actually, I have only collared Lee, and she isn't from this board! All the women here are not collared in any way because they are...shock!...vanilla. OMG....they arent even into BDSM. Or they are bedroom subs, which means they control their own lives outside the bedroom. Heaven, can you wrap your mind around the simple concept that maybe I could be very happy with a lady that is not into BDSM?
Heaven, that is so low. You are trying to imply there is a romantic or a BDSM relationship between me and Robyn. It just ain't so.
Edited by - Skeptic on 11 December 2002 5:35:20
Edited by - Skeptic on 11 December 2002 6:0:44
Edited by - Skeptic on 11 December 2002 6:9:49
Edited by - Skeptic on 11 December 2002 6:35:25
Edited by - Skeptic on 11 December 2002 7:2:1