Skeptic, the dubs are not just like any other group of people--they're worse than most, imo, because they're a destructive mind-control cult...
Pat, I agree completely. I was not clear enough in my final sentence.
miami-dade company founder to pay $4.7 million restitutionmarch 18, 2003. the associated press.
raymond l. knowles, formerly of opa-locka and pembroke pines, was sentenced in january to four years and nine months in federal prison.. .
he had been arrested in san antonio in april, then convicted of 16 counts of mail fraud, four counts of wire fraud and four counts of securities fraud in november.. .
Skeptic, the dubs are not just like any other group of people--they're worse than most, imo, because they're a destructive mind-control cult...
Pat, I agree completely. I was not clear enough in my final sentence.
miami-dade company founder to pay $4.7 million restitutionmarch 18, 2003. the associated press.
raymond l. knowles, formerly of opa-locka and pembroke pines, was sentenced in january to four years and nine months in federal prison.. .
he had been arrested in san antonio in april, then convicted of 16 counts of mail fraud, four counts of wire fraud and four counts of securities fraud in november.. .
I feel so bad for those that were bilked. I wonder how many elderly Dubs lost their life savings.
It is elders are supposedly appointed by holy spirit, and how Jah supposedly keeps his congregation clean....and yet these things happen. Guess Jah doesn't care how many rank and file Dubs lose out before he gets around to removing bad elders. After all, Jah will provide, right?
Oh, yeah. The elders are just imperfect. Funny how the God who is all powerful and all knowing and all loving can't watch out and remove bad elders safely.
Funny how against objective measures, the Dubs are just a group of people, like any other group of people. Just humans.
i had the surprise of my life yesterday when i got home from work and played the message on my machine.
it was one of my five brothers.
all of whom i havent spoken to but a handful of times over the years.
flower, I am glad things are working out so well!
Others have listed the books I was going to list.
I hope it continues to go well with you.
come to find out, the things i was telling people about the products we were selling were lies.
i am not comfortable lying to people to sell a product.
i really don't like being lied to and then finding out later most everything i was told to do was bs.
Jesika, you did the right thing. Like you, I cannot stay in a job that I don't believe in. I have a policy on how I personally handle dishonest employers, but I have never had a job where I had to be dishonest. The short version of how I handle dishonest employers is that ensure that I am a perfect employee and I leave as soon as I can. This gets me out of a bad situation and leaves a good reference from that firm.
Handled right, this can be a positive experience. A future employer will know you are honest. They will also know you are hard-working and can make cold calls. There might be some negative impact if that employer gives you a bad reference. However, I think it will be a positive thing.
If I remember right, you had said before that you didn't have any job experience. Now you have sales experience and it should be enough to get a sales job in an honest firm. Plus, it is easy/easier to sell a product or service you believe in. You have the drive, brains, enthusiasm, charisma, youth and looks to succeed.
You will find a job and succeed well in your life, Jes. From what I know of you, you have the makings of a champion.
sorry, call me a b*$ch if you'd like but is this really a place for a 13 year old child to be hanging out?
is the chat room really a place for kids?
i know i wouldn't let my 14 year old near this place..
Thank you for being so gracious, Sloan. I truly am sorry.
Since the reply went to an unexpected place, I was concerned you would not see it.
sorry, call me a b*$ch if you'd like but is this really a place for a 13 year old child to be hanging out?
is the chat room really a place for kids?
i know i wouldn't let my 14 year old near this place..
I am still getting the hang of replying here.
I posted my apologizes to Sloan and Simon and gave a big thank you to Xena. Somehow, the post became a reply under XW's original post. For what it is worth, I also again gave my opinion on the thread topic.
It was supposed to just be at the end of the thread like everyone elses'. How does one get the reply feature to put one's reply at the end of the thread?
Thanks for your help.
sorry, call me a b*$ch if you'd like but is this really a place for a 13 year old child to be hanging out?
is the chat room really a place for kids?
i know i wouldn't let my 14 year old near this place..
Heaven, my blood ran cold at the possibilities. God, that must have been awlful.
There are products out there like NetNanny to help shield young ones from certain sites. Though no system is 100% fool-proof, every bit helps. Even if you keep children off the Net, such products are still useful in the event the computer is left unattended and/or curiousity gets the better of the child.
sorry, call me a b*$ch if you'd like but is this really a place for a 13 year old child to be hanging out?
is the chat room really a place for kids?
i know i wouldn't let my 14 year old near this place..
Simon, I apologize. We have different perspectives about what transpired and why. You are a totally cool guy in my eyes, and I am a guest in your "home". I will respect your wishes. I have already begun to do so by not replying to some posts that were posted after your warning. The content and motives behind those posts are obvious considering that the posters knew I am no longer in a position to respond to them.
Sloan, I apologize. I honestly did believe that you were duped, but if you say you talked to no one, I will take you at your word. So, I apologize.
Xena, what can I say? Thank you for your level head and reasonable and fair responses. I can learn much from following your example. Certainly today would have gone better for me if I had. You are that rare combination of intellect, diplomacy, beauty, fair-mindedness and a good heart. You know that this has always been my opinion of you. I can tell that you are an excellent mother, and I agree with your posts.
My opinion on the thread topic, for what it is worth. I agree that we should allow children access to chat. Despite protestations to the contray, I can't think of any one here who would not tone down their behaviour once it was known a child was in chat. JW or ex-JW children need the comfort that this site can provide, as it may be the only support they get in their JW world.
The point has been expressed twice that some of us, myself included, would have to stop posting on adult subjects. As I have stated the first time it came up, I am willing to do this. However, there is a way to have an adult only section on this site, and it is covered below.
Besides, how does one keep every child off this site? It cannot be done, especially when the child is a determined and technically savvy teenager. I agree with Simon that you can't keep every child off this site. If we want to tackle the issue, there are several approaches.
The simplest and the most band-aid fix is a page warning children that they are entering an area where adults discussions are held, like chat or the Relationships forum. A better approach is a child indicator.
A child indicator is not hard to create; it can be anything from a simple checkbox, to entering one's birthdate (this would also allow for an automated "Happy Birthday" feature), to entering a credit card number (but not the expiry date, and the number is not stored). The issue is level of effectiveness versus the amount of work it puts on Simon. A child indicator would automatically alert us to their posts or that they are in chat.
It would allow for adult-only sections of the site for those who insist on adult-only chat or adult-only threads. It would allow posters and moderators to have an ignore feature that would shield minors from adult threads.
In short, I am for children being on this site and in chat. I agree with those who say that we adults can change our behaviour when a child is present. If we want something more sophisticated, a child indicator can be developed.
sorry, call me a b*$ch if you'd like but is this really a place for a 13 year old child to be hanging out?
is the chat room really a place for kids?
i know i wouldn't let my 14 year old near this place..
of course also suggesting that Simon is the puppet.
Can the false accusations. Where did I suggest that? I said that Simon is being deceived.
Many here are being played with or without their knowledge. Hell, I am probably one of the puppets and don't even know it. I have directly stated that I believe Sloan was set up in this thread.
Don't put words in my mouth please. Your attempt to poison Simon against me is obvious.
LB, let's get back to the original topic please? Most others have.
sorry, call me a b*$ch if you'd like but is this really a place for a 13 year old child to be hanging out?
is the chat room really a place for kids?
i know i wouldn't let my 14 year old near this place..
LB, I did not accuse anyone directly in this thread, as I have a list. You said accused XW, and I did not. Nice try at a low blow.
I accussed her? Good grief. All of us who have been around here for awhile know exactly who you were talking about.
Well this misunderstanding is caused by a typo. I meant to type "You said I accused XW, and I did not." The "I" got missed somehow. Is there an edit feature on this forum? It looks like some can edit their replies.
Do you really believe what you say here? I mean honestly?
Yes. And as I have said, I have a list, which I see no need to type.
And to think that you can state that I'm the one that attacked XW? Hell no, I'm attacking YOU
LOL! Now that that is clear...
So now, LB, Valis, etc....can we get back to the topic at hand?
We have gotten back to the topic at hand, in case you didn't notice.Yes, I did. After, I clicked the Submit button. I originally made a long and well-thought out post. When I submitted it, I got a server error and had to retype. I did the second post in a hurry. But by the time I hit the Submit button had been pressed again, several posts had been added.
You hijacked the thread when you called this unnamed a predetor, abusive and I forget what else now.I did not hijack the thread. I stated my opinion, which was directly on topic. Others chose to hijack the thread and throw it off topic. They chose to name names and make it personal. But things are on track and back to the original topic now, as it should be.
Give me a break. Right now Richard I think less of you than Trauma does George Bush.
LOL! Seeing as I know what Trauma thinks of George Bush, your opinion of me must be low!