Belated Happy Birthday, TH.
Belated Happy Birthday, TH.
i am just curious now...i was wondering, if you are not born into the jw organization, why did you join in?
what was it that interested you most?
why did you accept to study the bible?
cheers, unclebruce (hope this didn't put you to sleep
Far from it! You were a "fine example" of a good Witness! Going door to door on your own at 10? Plus 8 is quite the young age to be caned for your beliefs. You are one tough fellow!
i am just curious now...i was wondering, if you are not born into the jw organization, why did you join in?
what was it that interested you most?
why did you accept to study the bible?
Thanks, unclebruce, but I was only answering a direct question. You are very well respected here. I have been told that I need to be more like you in my posting style.
So, tell us, unclebruce. What urged you to join the cult?
i am just curious now...i was wondering, if you are not born into the jw organization, why did you join in?
what was it that interested you most?
why did you accept to study the bible?
What are you talking about (if its not too personal)?
Several months ago, I would have no problem talking about it on this site. Now I fear it being quoted out of context several months or years from now. Some have repeatedly misapplied a survey that I posted on this site in early 2002. Since this is still continuing, I am leery of posting the "unusual experiences" that I had. God knows what they would do with that information. I have been too open about my life.
I am willing to share those experiences in private, and have with a few close friends.
i have no argument left in me, and no desire to fight really.
when i was inactive i used to look at ex-jws with placard boards outside assemblies or conventions, i knew these people existed even if they were a bit "wacky".
i always used to wonder why these people did this, and to be honest i didn't like them, they looked creepy stood there with their flip charts outside a stadium.
I am glad you have pleasant memories of the JWs; cherish those. I have many pleasant memories as well, along with some that are not so pleasant. However, I was spared many of the terrible situations some here have endured. When I left, it was only because I was an atheist.
Outlaw's post is right on the money. There is a huge difference between the WTBS and the average JDub.
i am just curious now...i was wondering, if you are not born into the jw organization, why did you join in?
what was it that interested you most?
why did you accept to study the bible?
lol sorry now you asked????
Xena, I enjoyed your post. As you are well aware, I like learning about how you think and where you come from.
Richard, who thinks Xena is no longer a "fluff" poster
i am just curious now...i was wondering, if you are not born into the jw organization, why did you join in?
what was it that interested you most?
why did you accept to study the bible?
I was a born again Christian who was known to be very anti-JW and I was looking for the one true religion. I had some unusual experiences and figured the Witnesses could help, so I sought out a bible study.
active jw's that are catching on to the geisers back on the farm?.
It must take some guts to read here and see what the truth about them really is. Must be tough.
Francois, there is a very simple way to do it. Keep changing who monitors us, and keep each individual in place for a very short period of time. And use very loyal brothers.
the british forces are under double pressure as they not only have to be aware of attacks from the iraqi's but they have to keep one eye on their american friends.. during the last gulf war, the americans inflicted more casualties on the coalition forces than the iraqi's did.. friendly fire seems to be limited to the americans.
you never hear of the royal marines accidentally shooting up a car of journalists or blowing an american plane out of the sky.... but, what am i saying, the americans have a president that has attacked another nation without just cause... so thats where they get it from.. watch out boys!...the americans are about.
take cover.
I think your statements are uncalled for, and that this criticism of America is unjust. Running any military operation is very complex, and even more so when you are dealing with a military the size of the U.S. military. Not to mention the complexities combining the military efforts of several nations.
Friendly fire seems to be limited to the Americans. You never hear of the Royal Marines accidentally shooting up a car of journalists or blowing an American plane out of the sky...
The Americans are very aggressive militarily. They are involved in a lot of conflicts, so it makes sense that the total number of mistakes would be higher. The more conflicts one is involved in, the higher the number of mistakes that will be made. That is simple common sense.
Running a military the size of the U.S. military is a HUGE undertaking. A side effect of that is more blunders. I don't think you are being fair.
The Iraqi's did not kill one coalition serviceman during the last war but the Americans killed quite a few by friendly fire.
That makes sense. The Iraqs have a smaller military and they are seasoned in fighting desert conflicts.
additional apologies if this has already been posted...but i can't help myself.
) tongue-in-cheek guys, ok?
we really do like you 'mericans up here in the great white north.
Kaethra, that is too true, and too funny! And I thought I was the only one that felt that way.
"Canadians: Unarmed Americans with Healthcare"
LOL@Simon That one cracked me up.
I'd also like to apologize on behalf of all Canadians that we can enjoy Tim Hortons coffee whenever we like and that Americans have to come here to get it. That really sucks.
LOL! Yeah, I missed Tim Horton's when I was in Washington. Like many Canucks, I like Timmy's more than Starbucks. Our American friends don't know what they are missing.