JoinedPosts by mizpah2
Watchtower and Freemasonry
by mizpah2 inthanks for the information, .
today by jws themselves and by the general public at large.. the repelling opposition and from mainstream christendom stems from ideologies created most likely from the freemason theologies.. the theological idea that one should congregate in worship in a place that replicates king solomon's temple as a truer.
emulation of where people should worship god (yahweh) as apposed to typically designed churches.. the probable reason also why worshiping centers for the jws are called kingdom halls and not churches.. when j rutherford broke away more less from the ibsa to create the jw organization, the remaining ibsa still used freemason halls to .
Watchtower and Freemasonry
by mizpah2 inthanks for the information, .
today by jws themselves and by the general public at large.. the repelling opposition and from mainstream christendom stems from ideologies created most likely from the freemason theologies.. the theological idea that one should congregate in worship in a place that replicates king solomon's temple as a truer.
emulation of where people should worship god (yahweh) as apposed to typically designed churches.. the probable reason also why worshiping centers for the jws are called kingdom halls and not churches.. when j rutherford broke away more less from the ibsa to create the jw organization, the remaining ibsa still used freemason halls to .
Watchtower and Freemasonry
by mizpah2 inthanks for the information, .
today by jws themselves and by the general public at large.. the repelling opposition and from mainstream christendom stems from ideologies created most likely from the freemason theologies.. the theological idea that one should congregate in worship in a place that replicates king solomon's temple as a truer.
emulation of where people should worship god (yahweh) as apposed to typically designed churches.. the probable reason also why worshiping centers for the jws are called kingdom halls and not churches.. when j rutherford broke away more less from the ibsa to create the jw organization, the remaining ibsa still used freemason halls to .
1611 : La Bible du roi Jacques (King James Version; Version autorisée; Authorized Version)
"Franc-maçonnerie en germe. (...) Robert Fludd, rédacteur de l'une des compilations les plus détaillées sur la philosophie hermétique jamais écrite, était paraît-il aussi rosicrucien en plus d'être l'un des principaux traducteurs de la Bible du Roi James (1611)." (Tim Wallace-Murphy, "L'énigme des francs-maçons; Histoire et liens mystiques," Editions Véga, 2007, p.61)
"En 1611 sort l'Authorized Version, la traduction anglaise qui de toutes va connaître la plus grande diffusion. Le nom par excellence s'y rencontre quatre fois dans le texte (Exode 6:3; Psaume 83:18; Esaïe 12:2, 26:4). On y trouve également "Jah", son abréviation poétique, an Psaume 68:4. Enfin, il figure en entier dans des noms de lieux tels que "Jéhovah-Jiré". (Genèse 22:14; Exode 17:15; Juges 6:24; en français, voir la version Darby qui suit la même ligne de conduite.)" (Brochure : "Le nom Divin"; 1984; p.18)
Robert Fludd (1574-1637) and winged sun
Watchtower and Freemasonry
by mizpah2 inthanks for the information, .
today by jws themselves and by the general public at large.. the repelling opposition and from mainstream christendom stems from ideologies created most likely from the freemason theologies.. the theological idea that one should congregate in worship in a place that replicates king solomon's temple as a truer.
emulation of where people should worship god (yahweh) as apposed to typically designed churches.. the probable reason also why worshiping centers for the jws are called kingdom halls and not churches.. when j rutherford broke away more less from the ibsa to create the jw organization, the remaining ibsa still used freemason halls to .
- JEHOVA (1742)
Watchtower and Freemasonry
by mizpah2 inthanks for the information, .
today by jws themselves and by the general public at large.. the repelling opposition and from mainstream christendom stems from ideologies created most likely from the freemason theologies.. the theological idea that one should congregate in worship in a place that replicates king solomon's temple as a truer.
emulation of where people should worship god (yahweh) as apposed to typically designed churches.. the probable reason also why worshiping centers for the jws are called kingdom halls and not churches.. when j rutherford broke away more less from the ibsa to create the jw organization, the remaining ibsa still used freemason halls to .
Traduction en Français : "Amis de la vérité"
Watchtower and Freemasonry
by mizpah2 inthanks for the information, .
today by jws themselves and by the general public at large.. the repelling opposition and from mainstream christendom stems from ideologies created most likely from the freemason theologies.. the theological idea that one should congregate in worship in a place that replicates king solomon's temple as a truer.
emulation of where people should worship god (yahweh) as apposed to typically designed churches.. the probable reason also why worshiping centers for the jws are called kingdom halls and not churches.. when j rutherford broke away more less from the ibsa to create the jw organization, the remaining ibsa still used freemason halls to .
Badge I.B.S.A. (Source : Ebay)
Badge I.B.S.A. (Source : Ebay)
Badge : I.O.O.F. (Independent Order of Odd fellows) - Source : Ebay
Watchtower and Freemasonry
by mizpah2 inthanks for the information, .
today by jws themselves and by the general public at large.. the repelling opposition and from mainstream christendom stems from ideologies created most likely from the freemason theologies.. the theological idea that one should congregate in worship in a place that replicates king solomon's temple as a truer.
emulation of where people should worship god (yahweh) as apposed to typically designed churches.. the probable reason also why worshiping centers for the jws are called kingdom halls and not churches.. when j rutherford broke away more less from the ibsa to create the jw organization, the remaining ibsa still used freemason halls to .
Journal : "The National Labor Tribune" - Article : "Pastor Russell's Sermon" (I.B.S.A.)
Cross and Crown Pins : Manufactured and Sold by Heeren Bros. & Company, Penn ave. & Eighth St. - Pittsburg, Pa.
Nota : "Cross and Crown" - Logo I.B.S.A.
Source : Ebay
Knights Templar : Since at least the 18th century Freemasonry has incorporated Templar symbols and rituals in a number of Masonic bodies.
Source : Ebay
Watchtower and Freemasonry
by mizpah2 inthanks for the information, .
today by jws themselves and by the general public at large.. the repelling opposition and from mainstream christendom stems from ideologies created most likely from the freemason theologies.. the theological idea that one should congregate in worship in a place that replicates king solomon's temple as a truer.
emulation of where people should worship god (yahweh) as apposed to typically designed churches.. the probable reason also why worshiping centers for the jws are called kingdom halls and not churches.. when j rutherford broke away more less from the ibsa to create the jw organization, the remaining ibsa still used freemason halls to .
Référence : Daniel Sickels, "The Freemason's Monitor;" New York; Clark & Maynards; 1864
Nota. Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916)
Watchtower and Freemasonry
by mizpah2 inthanks for the information, .
today by jws themselves and by the general public at large.. the repelling opposition and from mainstream christendom stems from ideologies created most likely from the freemason theologies.. the theological idea that one should congregate in worship in a place that replicates king solomon's temple as a truer.
emulation of where people should worship god (yahweh) as apposed to typically designed churches.. the probable reason also why worshiping centers for the jws are called kingdom halls and not churches.. when j rutherford broke away more less from the ibsa to create the jw organization, the remaining ibsa still used freemason halls to .
Référence :
- Journal : "The Montreal Gazette"; 26 Septembre 1921; p.3
Watchtower and Freemasonry
by mizpah2 inthanks for the information, .
today by jws themselves and by the general public at large.. the repelling opposition and from mainstream christendom stems from ideologies created most likely from the freemason theologies.. the theological idea that one should congregate in worship in a place that replicates king solomon's temple as a truer.
emulation of where people should worship god (yahweh) as apposed to typically designed churches.. the probable reason also why worshiping centers for the jws are called kingdom halls and not churches.. when j rutherford broke away more less from the ibsa to create the jw organization, the remaining ibsa still used freemason halls to .