Yes I do believe that if we cut off the hands of thieves, there would be a huge drop in theft. The adultry thing was a joke. Although I think lowly of anyone who does not remain faithful to his spouse.
Yes the "Stop! or I'll say stop again!". That was part of an old Robin Williams stand up routine. He was talking about how the British police do not carry guns.
People claim that having an abusive childhood turns us into criminals, I was simply stating that I did not turn intop a violent criminal.
I do not have a "rabid" love for the death penalty. I simply feel that it is just. I am not angry as you put it. The only anger I feel is towards those who would commit such atrocious crimes. I think that their victims would agree with me. It seems that all of you opposers have very little sympathy for the victims while you whine and cry for the killer. That makes me angry.
In reply to your suicide statement, I never said that I would kill myself. I said that I would prefer death. If someone said that as my punishment I would have to be sodimized everyday for the rest of my life or I could recieve a lethal injection, I would choose the latter.
The comment was made in referance to Julie saying that that would have been a more suitable punishment. I feel that it would be more inhumane than death.
I believe that your statement that we Americans feel just in the death penalty because we grew up with may be true. My feelings are based on what I perceive to be just. My perceptions of course have root in my upbringing, as do yours.
You speak of barbarism as if Europe has never seen it's share.
I simply feel that anyone that could possibly kill an innocent child. does not deserve to walk the same earth as you a I. I feel that they should in the same manner as they kill. If they rape and mutilate a child, then they should be raped and mutilated, as they are forced to look at pictures of their dead victim.
Glad to see your enjoying you pot-plant! Hug it pass it over
No, I do not feel the same torwards drug usage. In fact, When you do the reseacrh on why most drugs are even illegal in our country, you find that it is bullshit. The only reason LSD was made to be illegal was because our government saw a growing rebelion in youth. Today, if you get caught with LSD, you are charged with "Conspiricy to overthrow the government". Isn't that ridiculous? Cocaine was made illegal because in the 1800's they needed a scapegoat to blame rapes on. The African slaves were blamed for most of this. There are old newspaper articles that read "Drug Crazed Negroes Attack White Women"
It was made illegal because the negro slave enjoyed it's usage.
Opium on the other hand was because of racial hatred torwards the Chinese immigrants in New York city. The white man was enraged to see that white women would go to these opium dens. They believed that the chinese immagrants were suducing the women by using this "sex drug". Pretty lame huh?
lol, I hope you've enjoyed the history of drugs in America. I am a firm believer that if drugs were legal, there would be so much less crime. No more killing someone over a bad drug deal. No more police killing someone because of the illegal nature of drugs. Plus, if they were legal, they'd be a lot cheaper! Imagine walking into your local pharmacy to pick up a 10-strip of acid, or a 10-pack of ecstacy. Or walkin into a convenience store to pack a pack of mary jane.
Didn't mean to ramble on, but you asked.
Also, I enjoy your posts, and would like to say that I feel that we simply disagree on the subject of the death penalty. If I have been rude or disrespectful in any way to you, then I humbly apologize.