Thank you guys, so this is in line with what the Circuit Overseer told me, good. The Special Pioneer information is completely new to me, I thought they received the same 200-300, glad you mentioned that sir82. I also didn't know it varied by country fulano, that's important.
What I'm trying to do is calculate figures as to how much a Bethelite could make outside of Bethel vs how much they make inside of Bethel to show how much the movement is saving/making off them, i.e., what exact amount it exploits from them. I'm going to use the NY minimum wage to calculate what an individual who works Bethelite hours would make outside Bethel (to my understanding, still about a 40 hour week, maybe a couple more from what I heard at an interest meeting at a convention), given how many Bethelites serve at Warwick, and then subtract what Bethelites make at Bethel from this figure (it's about 15k - 3k, so the movement saves/exploits them out of nearly 12k).