Minimus, look up false consciousness. It's what your mind is steeped in.
JoinedPosts by john.prestor
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out Of Restaurant For Supporting Trump
by minimus ini think it’s ridiculous to kick people and families out of a restaurant because of politics.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out Of Restaurant For Supporting Trump
by minimus ini think it’s ridiculous to kick people and families out of a restaurant because of politics.
After every psychotic, incendiary word that's come out of that woman's mouth, she finally gets a taste of her own medicine (to continue the food metaphor) and goes ballistic. Classic hypocrisy.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out Of Restaurant For Supporting Trump
by minimus ini think it’s ridiculous to kick people and families out of a restaurant because of politics.
You guys are in denial. Wake up. The immigrants and Muslims are not our enemies. The bourgeoisie are. They own over half the wealth in this country and oppress us.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out Of Restaurant For Supporting Trump
by minimus ini think it’s ridiculous to kick people and families out of a restaurant because of politics.
I think it's ridiculous to kick people out of a country because of their religion or where they've been born.
Relative rates of mental illness
by Doug Mason ina report produced 50 years ago by a psychiatrist at a west australian mental health facility ("asylum"l reported that the mental illness rate among jws was 3 times the norm of society.
other similar studies at the time concluded the rate was much higher.. i wrote to the psychiatrist at the time, asking whether the wts attracted people who were already susceptible to mental illness or if the situation was created after the person became a jw.
he responded that they did not know.. being myopically focused on the wts at the time, but more importantly belonging to an alternative eschatological apocalyptic body at the time, i did not think more broadly.. i think that today i would like to know:.
I personally believe that the movement's culture is distinctively narcissistic: Jehovah's Witnesses are abusive (disfellowshipping, threats of a fiery death at Armageddon), black-and-white us vs them thinking, viciously dismissive of other faiths, believe themselves to be special and elect, lots of ego-stroking about how great "divine education" is, etc.
This means that the movement could very well attract other narcissists, those who enjoy such an environment and thrive within it, as well as the victims of narcissists (those with borderline disorder, for instance). This could explain why there would be a higher rate of mental illness, if indeed there is.
Just remember that some JW's are TOTALLY gone as regards to CSA
by LevelThePlayingField inso, i managed to squander a way into jwtalk dot net.
they are a pro jw discussion group.
i found this post in there as regards to 34 chille priest resigning due to csa child sexual abuse coverup: (a "senior member").
God how sad. To be in that kind of denial to the harm of children.
How to spot awake JW at a convention
by Akid48 ini cant spot one to save my life, so i wanted to now if any one could me figure out how..
God the very nature of this question is Orwellian...
hall crash
by intrigue169 ini live in the des moines iowa area , i would be interested in doing a kingdom hall crash after watching some on youtube, i would love to do that with a group of people.
i haven't meet any other ex jw around here.
i was never baptized, i always knew i could never live up to jehovah's standard so i never did even consider baptizing.
Remember this too, intrigue169: the Governing Body inoculates Jehovah's Witnesses to many of the arguments you, I, or others on this site might urge them to consider. A hall crash by its very nature gives you precious seconds to shout some coherent phrase or few sentences before, again, the Elders toss you. Sometimes the Elders even try to drown out your voice: in some of Derek O'Haire's videos on YouTube the Elders will lead the congregation in song or urge them to start applauding, thereby drowning out your voice. So with those 30 seconds you're liable to fall back upon one of the many arguments they've told them to disregard ("We're not a cult, a cult is...") because these arguments are short and to the point. Be aware of that... contextual limitation.
hall crash
by intrigue169 ini live in the des moines iowa area , i would be interested in doing a kingdom hall crash after watching some on youtube, i would love to do that with a group of people.
i haven't meet any other ex jw around here.
i was never baptized, i always knew i could never live up to jehovah's standard so i never did even consider baptizing.
inrigue169, you're missing my point. I don't believe in God and I'm not a Christian with some alternative view on the subject of how one gains salvation. What I'm telling you is this: that kind of question will do you no good when talking to Jehovah's Witnesses because they believe their salvation comes from, essentially, their practices (preaching door-to-door, attending meetings) and their "association" (membership) in the organization. The "How do I absolve my sins with seconds left to live question" will not make sense to them, and in fact, I've seen someone try it on YouTube at a literature cart; the Witnesses don't appear even mildly fazed.
hall crash
by intrigue169 ini live in the des moines iowa area , i would be interested in doing a kingdom hall crash after watching some on youtube, i would love to do that with a group of people.
i haven't meet any other ex jw around here.
i was never baptized, i always knew i could never live up to jehovah's standard so i never did even consider baptizing.
I respect your desire to bring about change, but trust me on this: there is nothing you can say in the minute or two before the Elders swarm you and usher you out that will change anyone's mind. That's not how conversion and deconversion work.
Intrigue169, your 'sins forgiven' remark presumes that you come from a fundamentalist Christian background in which a person prays the 'sinner's prayer to get to heaven. Your theology doesn't translate into their theology, be aware of that. They do not believe their eternal destiny comes down to a 30 second mantra.