JeffT, I see the value in that approach. You know you, sounds like you made the right decision in the moment.
JoinedPosts by john.prestor
"Never stop your enemy when he's making a mistake" - Napoleon
by JeffT inso yesterday when i went to the library there were three older gentlemen in suits standing around the front door.
i spotted the stand with the magazines a second or two later.
they were talking among themselves, totally ignoring everybody walking past them.
I'm with Phizzy on this one, once someone fools you it's harder for someone else to fool you later on. They made us empty promises, beat us down emotionally, people talk about that a lot on this forum and rightly so, the Elders making them feel like they never did enough for Jehovah's "one true organization," worrying they would die a horrible death at Armageddon, feeling guilty or ashamed for minor "sins" or doubting the Governing Body. In my case the Baptist pastor I heard for years did the same kind of thing just with different promises, instead of Armageddon he always told us Jesus would come back from heaven any day now and rapture us with the sound of a trumpet and an archangel's call, he shamed us for thinking lustful thoughts, told us we wouldn't get into heaven if we fucked before marriage.
Here's what it comes down to: fooled me once, shame on you. Fooled me twice, shame on me. And in the words of the Who, "[I] won't get fooled again."
No, I don't. Never found a good reason tool and I looked a long time.
JWLEAKS.ORG is back for 2019 with a Scandal
by jwleaks inyep, we are back after taking some extended time off.. the website had been archived for some time.
i was concentrating on other jw-related projects in relation to say sorry.. but the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, who no longer claim to be infallible, decided that in their fallibility the best use of 'dedicated funds' would be to launch civil action against me in a us federal court.
to this end watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, inc., sent their attorneys after me.
I follow, you're saying that they sold the property first and then provided a bond so the court gave them permission to sell property they already sold, which the court didn't know of course. How crafty, how clever... -
Anthony Morris's talk "Beware of the Birdcatcher. " He does tend to exaggerate just a little
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmassachusetts saturday afternoon fall 2005. .
here is a talk that anthony morris gave at a local congregation in 2005, titled ''beware of the birdcatcher.
'' he has everyone laughing in stitches in the first fifteen minutes.
Listener, youre right, it's possible he's just repeating a story second or third or even fourth hand that really did happen, or that both left the faith eventually. But it's just so contrived, so convenient, and it sounds like so many other contrived, convenient stories these people tell. Why wouldn't he want to put names to that? Why wouldn't they, the people who supposedly did all this, want to put their names to that? They have nothing to be afraid of, it's Britain.
I am a proud Jehovah's Witness Defender
by Matthew Jefferson inmy name is matthew j and i have just ended my study with the jehovah's witnesses.
no, i did not stop studying because i believe the jehovah's witnesses are a 'cult', i left due to the minor beliefs that i hold that remain separate from the organization.
i called my elder who is still an amazing man and great counselor, affirming that i do not wish to continue my studying.
I'm thinking Matthew is a Jehovah's Witness who joined under this absurd cover story because he knew if he owned up to being an apologist we would take him even less seriously. Anybody with me?
I am a proud Jehovah's Witness Defender
by Matthew Jefferson inmy name is matthew j and i have just ended my study with the jehovah's witnesses.
no, i did not stop studying because i believe the jehovah's witnesses are a 'cult', i left due to the minor beliefs that i hold that remain separate from the organization.
i called my elder who is still an amazing man and great counselor, affirming that i do not wish to continue my studying.
Well... good for you? You're not going to get a very warm welcome here with that kind of cold, grandiose, silly introduction, a lot of people who post on here do experience shunning at the hands of Jehovah's Witnesses, their family shuns them, their old congregation shuns them, people look the other way when they walk by, don't talk to them at funerals or weddings, don't invite them to get togethers. So maybe you should think outside your own head for just a minute and ask yourself: what if the other people here experience something different than I do? Crazy, I know, this introspection empathy thing.
Research Opportunity
by researchstudentsophie inmy name is sophie mueller, and i’m currently in the class ap research.
the aim of ap research is to have students enter into an academic conversation that exists about a specific topic or issue.
for my research project, i have chosen to evaluate the social stress levels, or sense of belonging, within members of the jehovah’s witnesses community, due to my personal background with the religion.
You mention that you want to study Jehovah's Witnesses, and your research sounds interesting. Just know that most of the community here are not Jehovah's Witnesses, many grew up in the faith or joined later in life but then left, so they don't go to services or door-to-door, and often haven't for years if not decades. You might want to try, that's a community of current Jehovah's Witnesses. I doubt the moderators would let you post something like this, but you should go for it. Good luck in your work.
Anthony Morris's talk "Beware of the Birdcatcher. " He does tend to exaggerate just a little
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmassachusetts saturday afternoon fall 2005. .
here is a talk that anthony morris gave at a local congregation in 2005, titled ''beware of the birdcatcher.
'' he has everyone laughing in stitches in the first fifteen minutes.
Names or it didn't happen. Let me guess, Andre and Andrea?
Another hypocritical meme
by neat blue dog insome jws reposting this recently on instagram:.
i wonder if they'll have some cognitive dissonance next time this happens on jw broadcasting..
It's a dig at those who actually do help the poor, that's how it comes across to me.
The meme: "When helping the poor, leave the camera at home."
Translation: "You only help the poor to take PR shots and look good in the eyes of others."
The meme doesn't rest on a firm foundation for two reasons.
First, as other posters pointed out Jehovah's Witnesses do very little formally, collectively, officially, for the poor, yeah, sometimes they help rebuild somebody's house after a hurricane or tsunami, but to my knowledge that's Brothers (and Sisters?) volunteering their labor and materials, I don't remember from my reading of Branch Organization (2015 edition) the Governing Body letting Branches put their funds towards that sort of thing, they just arrange volunteers to go help people displaced by the disaster. Other than that, I don't know of any "humanitarian" efforts on the part of Jehovah's Witnesses. Sure, they teach a few people English or help them learn to read or write but they don't do that as a stand alone service the same way a Unitarian church offers a free breakfast once a week with no strings attached, they offer those "services" to convert the people they help (and yes, they do help those people in small ways). The point being, it takes a lot of nerve to criticize other religions for helping poor people when the faith you belong to barely, rarely, lifts a finger to help them.
Second, we all know the Governing Body loves photo ops, I bet you good money right now in the Newsroom section shows one or more of them standing and smiling next to some person or persons displaced by a natural disaster. Yep, just checked: here's Geoffrey Jackson hanging out with a "sister in Okayama who was affected by the flooding that devastated western Japan in July 2018." (
Just another person who wants to feel special even if they're dead wrong.