Definitely. My family still pretty much believe in the Baptist faith and I find it hard to talk to them sometimes, they don't get that bad but they do make little comments that hurt. Sounds like today's progress in the right direction even if it's a small step forward.
JoinedPosts by john.prestor
I realized today what I am, and why they look at me with contempt
by Tameria2001 intoday my inlaws wanted to meet their new great-grandson.
they hadn't been in our lives since we left the jws back in 2001. but every time, even though very briefly, i was around them, they always had this same look on their face.
it was of utter and complete disgust.
I realized today what I am, and why they look at me with contempt
by Tameria2001 intoday my inlaws wanted to meet their new great-grandson.
they hadn't been in our lives since we left the jws back in 2001. but every time, even though very briefly, i was around them, they always had this same look on their face.
it was of utter and complete disgust.
It can't be easy seeing your family look at you like that. You doing okay?
Watchtower Study Edition - April 2019....Thank you for not doing enough in the field ministry
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwatchtower study edition- april 2019. are you fully accomplishing your ministry?.
the study article starts off with praise and admiration for members who are out in the field ministry.
the wtbts understand that you have family responsibilities, work, get sick, and have pains due to aging.
They talk out of both sides of their mouth, but you see through that, and I'm glad you're showing that same thing to others on here.
by road to nowhere inthe part this in the midweek meeting had a lot of questions about what a goad is.
probably 10 of 15 minutes spent on it.
and they said it was a stick with a metal point, which i doubt what with metal being costly, and a sharpened stick would do as well.. maybe next week we can learn about whips as in "we will keep whipping you until morale improves".
What was the point of talking about that exactly? They fixate on the weirdest stuff...
So I read the the gog of magog chapters from the new restore true worship book...
by nowwhat? inand what a heaping nonsensical freddie franz like bunch of crap.
as i told my pimi brother.
it's all based on assumptions and assertions that the ezekiel gog of magog account has a 2nd fulfillment in our day.
I think you're right DesirousofChange, the kingdom can't really do it anymore, they've been predicting it for so long it's not exciting anymore, so they got to rile them up by feeding into their persecution complex and at the same time making them feel special, the government's are going to come after us most of all, others yeah, but mainly us, that's how meaningful we are.
rolliepollie, thanks for clarifying that. People come on here to preach sometimes and it gets old. An inquiring mind on the other hand... welcome aboard.
rolliepollie, you ask some provocative questions but I'm beginning to get the sense that you got some kind of ulterior motive here, am I right? Do you want to convert us to one faith or another? Just be honest with me here.
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Ever Do Anything For Anyone But Themselves?
by minimus ini was thinking of how witnesses were always admonished to take care of their own before they should ever help a worldly neighbor.
i don’t think they ever do anything for the community unless it’s a benefit to them..
Informally, yeah, sometimes they individually help someone out, buy them groceries, cut fire wood, that kinda thing just from what I heard in person and on here. But formally, no, they don't do much of anything beyond teach a few people to read and write so they can convert them, and maybe repair a roof or two after a disaster, but sometimes they ask for the insurance money afterwards, from what I've read on here, which I gotta say is pretty... sleazy, I think that's the right word.
It's an isolated, isolating faith. That's what it is. They care about their own, sorta, and write the rest of us off. That comes across very clearly.
"Never stop your enemy when he's making a mistake" - Napoleon
by JeffT inso yesterday when i went to the library there were three older gentlemen in suits standing around the front door.
i spotted the stand with the magazines a second or two later.
they were talking among themselves, totally ignoring everybody walking past them.
JeffT, I see the value in that approach. You know you, sounds like you made the right decision in the moment.
I'm with Phizzy on this one, once someone fools you it's harder for someone else to fool you later on. They made us empty promises, beat us down emotionally, people talk about that a lot on this forum and rightly so, the Elders making them feel like they never did enough for Jehovah's "one true organization," worrying they would die a horrible death at Armageddon, feeling guilty or ashamed for minor "sins" or doubting the Governing Body. In my case the Baptist pastor I heard for years did the same kind of thing just with different promises, instead of Armageddon he always told us Jesus would come back from heaven any day now and rapture us with the sound of a trumpet and an archangel's call, he shamed us for thinking lustful thoughts, told us we wouldn't get into heaven if we fucked before marriage.
Here's what it comes down to: fooled me once, shame on you. Fooled me twice, shame on me. And in the words of the Who, "[I] won't get fooled again."