You want my honest opinion? She sounds creepy and manipulative as hell.
JoinedPosts by john.prestor
My Bible Study Conductor's Letter to Me
by ohnightdivine inrecently, i wrote a sister, my bible study conductor, an email just telling her that i thought of her, and i thanked her for being a part of some milestones in my life many many years ago.
(for those who are reading my post for the first time, i was a very impressionable teenager at that time and i had the chance to live in their country for a while, spent much time with her, got to know her way of living, and essentially she became my life's mentor.
closer to me than family.
Experts say new definitions of cults are not cut and dry
by Not_Culty in
terry chapman, staff reporter february 2019. .
I couldn't agree more. That's why we avoid the term in Sociology, used to use it as a counterpart to sect in a sort of three type 'typology' of religion, fancy way of saying we classified faiths as tradition (around a long time, socially accepted), sect (new, less acceptable) and cult (new, countercultural). We don't do that anymore because cult just means what the author says it means to most people: they're weird and they freak me out. Thanks for posting this, it's a good caution when we discuss a new religious movement like Jehovah's Witnesses
2018 BRANCH ORGANIZATION Manuel Says The members of the Governing Body do not regard themselves as the leaders of Jehovah's people.
by Fabian inthanks to atlantis, this statement is mentioned on chapter 1 paragraph 1 in the middle.
but i like how the statement says members but the sentence right before has the governing body dudes in a collective whole like voltron here is the paragraph in whole.
1. governing body: the governing body of jehovah's witnesses is made up of brothers who are anointed servants of jehovah god.
The fact that they even hide behind that pretense, that fake and paper-thin humility, raises so many red flags. Honest people wouldn't do that, they would own that they lead the organization. The fact that the Governing Body won't definitely hints at a conscious effort to disguise who pulls the strings at the matinee. And why do that if your motives are as pure and selfless as they say? -
2018 BRANCH ORGANIZATION Manuel Says The members of the Governing Body do not regard themselves as the leaders of Jehovah's people.
by Fabian inthanks to atlantis, this statement is mentioned on chapter 1 paragraph 1 in the middle.
but i like how the statement says members but the sentence right before has the governing body dudes in a collective whole like voltron here is the paragraph in whole.
1. governing body: the governing body of jehovah's witnesses is made up of brothers who are anointed servants of jehovah god.
How can the Governing Body (they either authored or approved Branch Organization, like everything else the organization publishes) say they lead the organization but then say they're not leaders? Doublethink at its finest or conscious deception, what do other posters think? I lean towards conscious deception, of course they see themselves as leaders, they act like leaders, and they live like leaders too.
DA/DF Difference?
by Olig inevening again.... i know this is my second part today but i've just been thinking.... possibly a stupid question, so don't laugh haha!.
can someone explain the difference between disassociation and disfellowshipping?.
never really heard of disassociation before if i'm totally honest!.
You can't formally leave without them shutting you, Olig. What a lot of people on here choose to do is called fading, they just slowly stop attending services, stop going door-to-door, and hope the elders don't notice snd that their family doesn't shun them for becoming inactive. Often it works, sometimes it doesn't. -
Zealous much?
by Olig inevening everyone hope we're all oreyt!
first time posting.... bit of my background i grew up in the wts (still keep on almost calling it the "truth!
" lol) and have been pimo for around 2 years now.
Definitely talk to her. Honestly, I suggest you avoid the doctrinal stuff beyond telling her about, that site is great, and tell her about your experience, like how much better you feel now, how much happier you are (that comes across in your post, you sound relieved) The Governing Body talks about 'apostates' like they're all miserable, unpleasant people. Show her you're not. Even if she doesn't do any research, if she starts to doubt, she knows she can talk to you. Best of luck man, and welcome to the site. You need us, we got your back.
2018 Branch Organization Manual!
by Atlantis injust in case anybody needed this.. 2018 branch organization manual.
Atlantis, I run outta ways to say this but seriously man, you rock.
Part II: it's time
by Gorbatchov inearlier i posted about the call from close family about that the end is expected in very short time.. today i had the opportunity to speak in person.. this is what is told to me:.
- the gb speaks to us personality through broadcasting;.
- the annual meeting was a very clear message from the gb;.
What do you mean speaking to us personally? It's absurd that this person wants you to perceive scripted impersonal performances prepared and sent out to over 8 million Jehovah's Witnesses as something intended for you individually. The Governing Body could actually meet with the faithful, just like the pope holds audiences for Catholic parishioners from time to time, but I'm sure they're handling much more important business as they lead Jehovah's Chariot forward into the future over all the ruts and potholes in the road they refuse to fix.
1953 Yearbook Faithful and Discreet Slave Compared To Jehovah And Moses Again. 😇
by Fabian inmonday, august 17 [ 1953 yearbook ].
the vision has its own appointed hour, it ripens, it will flower; if it be long, then wait, for it sure, and it will not be late,-- hab.
when aaron built the golden calf, yielding to the demands of the people, moses loyally stood for jehovah against this false worship.
'Because events do not come to pass as they believe they should.'
Because events do not come to pass as you said they would.
It's time
by Gorbatchov inwe got a call from close jw family, that it is now time to visit the kingdom hall again because armagedon is a question of a few months.
now it will happen in a very close time, the brothers say so, was the message.. i had earlier the feeling that jw's think the time has arrived because what they say and what they do, work like mad men with their chart every weekend.. so the expetations are high.. gorby's wife replied "how do you know, you should not know day and hour".
stay alert was the reaction.. so sad and so stupid.. g. .
How can they say that at this point? How long did these people spend in the truth, a week? Armageddon is always imminent, right around the corner, very soon, etc.
The ignorance, the convenient loss of memory, just... It's staggering.