Early Christians believed a lot of different things about the kingdom and what that involved. 'Matthew' refers to a 'recreation' on earth and 'John' talks about rooms in heaven apparently and the church father Papias tells this story about Jesus predicting grape vines growing thousands of grapes a cluster and Judas scoffing at that; but in the Goapel of Judas Jesus shows Judas a grand home in heaven 'reserved for the holy.' The Asian elders like John and Aristion taught some Christians got paradise, some got New Jerusalem, and others got heaven. 'John' in Revelation predicts an earthly paradise, centered about New Jerusalem, and the 'heretic' Cerinthus predicted the same basic thing except with lots of sex and animal sacrifice.
The point being: early Christians predicted lots of different things.
Guess what? None of it came true. None of it will ever come true.
In the gospel of Thomas the disciples ask Jesus when the kingdom's gonna come, and he replies, the kingdom is spread out across the earth already.
Open your front door. Welcome to paradise. Go listen to the birds sing and watch the sunrise, dip your hand in a stream, savor a good cup of coffee, hold someone you love. There aint nothing better to look forward to.