JoinedPosts by john.prestor
Awake! No. 2 2018 on marriage
by john.prestor inso i'm sitting here at the laundromat waiting for the bus, there's a kingdom hall across the street and somebody must come in here regularly cause i found about five different magazines hanging out on a counter by the door and three different business cards pinned to a bulletin board.
i picked up an awake!
for the hell of it, i could use a good laugh, and i ran across this right away in the article '12 secrets of successful families', yeah, you can probably tell where this is going:.
I trashed them, those things are... sneaky. -
Awake! No. 2 2018 on marriage
by john.prestor inso i'm sitting here at the laundromat waiting for the bus, there's a kingdom hall across the street and somebody must come in here regularly cause i found about five different magazines hanging out on a counter by the door and three different business cards pinned to a bulletin board.
i picked up an awake!
for the hell of it, i could use a good laugh, and i ran across this right away in the article '12 secrets of successful families', yeah, you can probably tell where this is going:.
It's allow yourself to be wronged, I miswrote that.
Awake! No. 2 2018 on marriage
by john.prestor inso i'm sitting here at the laundromat waiting for the bus, there's a kingdom hall across the street and somebody must come in here regularly cause i found about five different magazines hanging out on a counter by the door and three different business cards pinned to a bulletin board.
i picked up an awake!
for the hell of it, i could use a good laugh, and i ran across this right away in the article '12 secrets of successful families', yeah, you can probably tell where this is going:.
So I'm sitting here at the laundromat waiting for the bus, there's a Kingdom Hall across the street and somebody must come in here regularly cause I found about five different magazines hanging out on a counter by the door and three different business cards pinned to a bulletin board. I picked up an Awake! for the hell of it, I could use a good laugh, and I ran across this right away in the article '12 secrets of successful families', yeah, you can probably tell where this is going:
For couples: Commitment
If you are committed to your marriage, you allow yourself to be wrong. You are quick to forgive and quick to apologize. You view problems as obstacles, not deal breakers. -Micah
What do you mean allow yourself to be wronged, you mean let your husband smack you around if you're Selma, or stay with him even if you fear for your life and safety like it said in a recent Watchtower? And why would you apologize if someone wrongs you, those two don't make any sense, if you did nothing wrong you shouldn't apologize. What horrendous advice for women coming from another one of their anonymous source, Micah, let's call her Andrea that's how legit she is.
The advice might as well amount to Lay down and take it. Fuck these people.
The Classification Sheep & Goats Come From Reaction To The Good News Preached By Members Of The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society
by Brokeback Watchtower init seems that the more one analyzes the wt premise that people are being judged by jehoho and his angelic lackeys on their responses to the messages they proclaim as good news of the kingdom(destruction of all the governments of the world by god's kingdom), the more flaws one sees in such an arrangement.. firstly why would jehoho judge people as worthy of everlasting annihilation because they don't respond appropriately to an organization's membership drives house to house service calls?
surely jehoho needs to take into account that they have a very bad child abuse problem that sullies their reputation as his representatives, surely an intelligent reasonable almighty god would find this a very poor touch stone to judge people on especially when their everlasting life is at stake.. all these court cases of child molestation lawsuits brought against wt corporation we now see being broadcast all over the internet should make an intelligent god like jehoho see that this is a very bad idea or way to judge people and that all the people classified as sheep with this process will just get you a bunch of gullible desperate people without any critical thinking(which when you think of it pretty much describes a sheep)..
I remember seeing an Our Kingdom Ministry prompt where it encouraged Witnesses to explain what you just described, that Jesus would judge them worthy of survival or not depending on how they responded to the door-to-door preaching. Can you just imagine going up to someone and saying that on their porch or on the street.
'Good morning, how you doing today? You better listen up and do what I tell you cuz if you don't Gods gonna kill you any day now.'
It's such an obvious threat. That's what it.
Disfellowshipping - abusing our evolutionary development
by Anony Mous ini just saw the video from kursgezagt on loneliness and it points out the biological reasons for social interaction, it also points out the reason we experience social pain in loneliness, basically, because in the recent past (a few hundred years ago) isolation meant you were very likely to die so our bodies and brains adapted to know when the circumstances of this dangerous situation emerged.. this immediately made me think about the disfellowshipping and social isolation that jw’s practice - it’s basically abusing our own evolutionary biology against ourselves and puts you in a cycle of loneliness, depression with the only ‘cure’ going back to the acceptance of the social group and accepting their ‘quirks’..
Yes, the leaders of religious groups like Jehovah's Witnesses take advantage of the fact that we're a social species, a social animal. I think you're 100% right.
You are afraid of children Jehovah witnesses after criminal tragedy in Kerch 2018?
by Pit123123 inwhy are the leaders of the watchtower corporation modestly silent about this shame jehovah witnesses?.
all children jehovah witnesses potential terrorist?.
only not politics!
To the OP: stop while you're behind, you're making a fool of yourself. -
Is White Nationalism A Major Problem In Your Opinion?
by minimus inafter seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
Adomant, that's crossing a line. Most Muslims dont do those kind of awful thungs.
"by their fruits you will know them."
by stillin inyou would think that the adherents of the world's only true religion would also be the best people in the world.
the witnesses use the words "cultivate godly qualities" like a mantra, over and over.
the believers feel that their attendance at meetings and their field service put them in line to gain god's favor as exceptional people.. the problem is that they aren't.
Man that ship's been sailing fine for like 150 years, what do they mean sinking? The only thing I see sinking is attendance and donations.
Is White Nationalism A Major Problem In Your Opinion?
by minimus inafter seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
Well, you're entitled to your opinion.
Is White Nationalism A Major Problem In Your Opinion?
by minimus inafter seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
Yep, don't you?