I don't see any difference, maybe I need to read the article, but it sounds like business as usual. They deny ever making prophecies about specific dates, they direct you to their publications, they sing the Governing Body's praises, same old same old.
JoinedPosts by john.prestor
Preparing the sheeple for finally abandoning the significance of 1914
by under the radar inwe all know the society would love to get rid of all the problems caused by clinging to 1914 and all they claimed it meant for the last 100+ years.. it looks like they are laying the groundwork for easing away from the whole concept of 1914. this would also let them do away with the ridiculous "overlapping generation" bullcrap.
what a diaper load that has been.... anyway, the following is from their super secret marching orders for april, 2019. draw your own conclusions.... "3.
“100 years of faithfulness”: the coordinator of the body of elders, or another elder, should be invited to read the following special announcement.
SaySorry.org | AUSTRALIA | By Steven Unthank and Lara Kaput | National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse
by jwleaks insummary and blog about last years national apology and the attendance by victims and survivors of jehovah’s witnesses.. personal account by steven unthank and lara kaput.. https://saysorry.org/2019/03/31/national-apology-to-victims-and-survivors-of-institutional-child-sexual-abuse/.
Actions speak louder than words. The Governing Body could not care less if children get abused, they just want to make sure they look good.
From everything I hear on here, hell.
meandering thoughts on the memorial meal study:
by waton inso, its a simple meal, wt trying to deflect away the questions about the elephants in the room.
no record in the bible the apostles celebrating it later, until paul writing about it.
jesus commanding it to be celebrated every year.?
Think about the Watchtower message? The Governing Body spends half it's time telling people not to think.
And I'm with you by the way, their take on the Eucharist is convoluted. It's so weird watching people pass a plate of bread and a cup of wine around the room with nobody eating or drinking.
Today’s bible study, how to blow one of their doctrines using just one verse.
by Crazyguy2 inat the talk today the speaker was bloveating about paradise and how we will need to teach the ones being resurrected gods ways.
ofcourse we all know that the resurrection will start just a few years after the big a so that everyone can be taught the truth and the big j’s ways before satan is released at the end of the thousand years to test everyone after of course they have grown to perfection and then can truly be tested as perfect as adam.
revelations chapter 20 starting in verse 4 thier bible but notice verse 5 ; and i saw thrones and those who sat on them were given authority to judge.
I guess that's the best they can do when the verse so blatantly contradicts their doctrine. *shrug*
Watchtower Orders Another Hit
by Sea Breeze inaccording to a recent filing, the watchtower has ordered reddit to give them the name of one of their posters who has used their right of free speech.
they are calling it copyright infringement.
but, we all know this is just another routine "hit" ordered by the watchtower mafia.
Feel that Christian love.
Hot sale of KHall to Christendom!!!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inanybody has more info please share.. lee nyc brokers baychester sale from bronx congregation.
march 29,2019. lee & associates nyc’s alfonso holloman has arranged the sale of 1575 e. gun hill rd., between kingsland and mickle avenues, in the bronx’s baychester neighborhood.
inner court sanctuary praise palace paid $1.28 million to acquire the 5,092-square-foot property from jehovah’s witnesses.. the property will serve as a place of worship for the congregation, which is relocating from 1660 e. gun hill rd.
That's beyond hypocritical. It's just that simple.
That Awkward Moment When ....
by Sea Breeze inyou realize that your spiritual leader may be wackier than previous suicide cult leaders.
jim jones in happier times.
Lett comes across like he knows his audience thinks like kids so he's going to talk to them like kids, thats all those exaggerated hand gestures and phony smiles. It comes across as more deliberate and deceptive than Morris, who sorta mumble-rants to himself for himself in cranky earnestness. -
I dont understand why KH's are less attractive than churches
by nowawake14 ini mean, come on.
if they call themselves the "true", then why are most kingdom halls not as attractive as churches and dont do any better?.
Oh, yeah that's the ones I meant. The new ones look like duplexes... -
Mexico--- Abuse
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara indont know if anyone has picked up on this news.
putting it out there anyway.. http://www.zocalo.com.mx/new_site/articulo/permitieron-en-iglesia-abuso-de-una-joven.
translated into english (by someone on reddit).
You know, I try not to judge carte blanc but at this point, I second that.