Exactly, we shouldn't give them any credit for some pictures they printed in a magazine until we see hard evidence they actually fixed the problems the ARC highlighted. Why include men at all in the preliminary investigation? Could be wrong, and by all means the victim should get to decide themselves, but I don't think most women want to talk about their sexual abuse with men. People don't like to talk about this stuff in general, its embarrassing and makes you remember things you don't want to remember. And from other reports I've read on this forum Elders sometimes ask questions that come across as voyeuristic at worst or invasive at best.
Point being: they need to listen to McClellan and Stewart, let women talk to female victims and determine whether someone indeed abused them (the vast majority of the time people who make allegations like that tell the truth, of course) let men decide the punishment (they really should allow women to be Elders but we know they won't budge on that one so there's no point insisting on it)
And finally, if anybody does have a copy of that letter sent to Australian congregations PM me