Do these people ever get tired of tooting their own horn? The finest translation of the Bible ever, how the hell do they know that? If somebody else won't stroke their egos they stroke it themselves (yep, that's a double entendre)
JoinedPosts by john.prestor
Yearbook 2014 NWT is The Finest Translation of the Bible Available to Mankind. 😇
by Fabian inthe is on page 4 of the 2014 yearbook.. a letter from the governing body.
how delighted we are to write you at the beginning of this momentous year!
by late 2014, a whole century will have passed since our beloved king jesus christ began ruling in the midst of his enemies.—ps.
Witnesss I can't imagine anyone turning down an offer like that. Outside the organization, it's like an offer to tour with a rock band, or become the CEO of a company. It's a once-in-a-lifetime offer that Jehovah's Witness elite chase for decades. -
Past 12 months, #watchtower has obtained more than 36 unique subpoenas
by Not_Culty in
"in the past 12 months, #watchtower has obtained more than 36 unique subpoenas to identify the people who have posted their documents, leaked videos, & images from their publications.
this #watchhunt is a coordinated effort to locate & punish the leak sources.".
Spiral, totally with you. The Governing Body sure act like and talk like narcissists, especially these days with all their harping on remaining loyal in thought, like don't even question them in your own head kind of thing, that's how much they hate criticism, they can't stand the thought that somebody even criticizes them internally.
New Textbook For Elders
by Lost in the fog ini have to say that i found item 3 on the above page raised questions in my mind.
if an elder is deleted presumably for wrongdoing the hard copy text book is taken off him and destroyed.
but who ensures that any electronic copies of the book in his possession are deleted?
I see your point, I mean they can't and don't check into whether the guy actually deletes the pdfs or not. But I think unless the guy intends to leave already, and that's why he stepped down or got kicked off the Body of Elders he'll just follow these instructions because the faithful slave knows best of course, gotta listen obey and be blessed, etc.
Past 12 months, #watchtower has obtained more than 36 unique subpoenas
by Not_Culty in
"in the past 12 months, #watchtower has obtained more than 36 unique subpoenas to identify the people who have posted their documents, leaked videos, & images from their publications.
this #watchhunt is a coordinated effort to locate & punish the leak sources.".
They're running out of fingers to plug all the leaks in their ship...
My Bible Study Conductor's Letter to Me
by ohnightdivine inrecently, i wrote a sister, my bible study conductor, an email just telling her that i thought of her, and i thanked her for being a part of some milestones in my life many many years ago.
(for those who are reading my post for the first time, i was a very impressionable teenager at that time and i had the chance to live in their country for a while, spent much time with her, got to know her way of living, and essentially she became my life's mentor.
closer to me than family.
It's not the translation, let's not take away from the fact that the woman wrote you one long extended guilt trip.
I get it, it's hard to move on, hard to accept this person doesn't care about you unless you accept her faith, which really means doesnt care about you. I met people like that too when I studied Jehovah's Witnesses, sweet older ladies that called me their pseudo-grandson or called themselves my grandmother, but the truth is if I told them how I really feel, what I really think or don't think, they wouldn't like it and I bet you good money they'd either cut me off or distance themselves at least, or try the same approach this woman tried with you.
Don't let this woman shame you into submission. Shame is toxic, it crushes out spirit, weighs us down. To hell with her.
My Bible Study Conductor's Letter to Me
by ohnightdivine inrecently, i wrote a sister, my bible study conductor, an email just telling her that i thought of her, and i thanked her for being a part of some milestones in my life many many years ago.
(for those who are reading my post for the first time, i was a very impressionable teenager at that time and i had the chance to live in their country for a while, spent much time with her, got to know her way of living, and essentially she became my life's mentor.
closer to me than family.
No, you're spot on. She tries to shame you and tell you what to do but subtly, by implication.
My Bible Study Conductor's Letter to Me
by ohnightdivine inrecently, i wrote a sister, my bible study conductor, an email just telling her that i thought of her, and i thanked her for being a part of some milestones in my life many many years ago.
(for those who are reading my post for the first time, i was a very impressionable teenager at that time and i had the chance to live in their country for a while, spent much time with her, got to know her way of living, and essentially she became my life's mentor.
closer to me than family.
You want my honest opinion? She sounds creepy and manipulative as hell.
Experts say new definitions of cults are not cut and dry
by Not_Culty in
terry chapman, staff reporter february 2019. .
I couldn't agree more. That's why we avoid the term in Sociology, used to use it as a counterpart to sect in a sort of three type 'typology' of religion, fancy way of saying we classified faiths as tradition (around a long time, socially accepted), sect (new, less acceptable) and cult (new, countercultural). We don't do that anymore because cult just means what the author says it means to most people: they're weird and they freak me out. Thanks for posting this, it's a good caution when we discuss a new religious movement like Jehovah's Witnesses
2018 BRANCH ORGANIZATION Manuel Says The members of the Governing Body do not regard themselves as the leaders of Jehovah's people.
by Fabian inthanks to atlantis, this statement is mentioned on chapter 1 paragraph 1 in the middle.
but i like how the statement says members but the sentence right before has the governing body dudes in a collective whole like voltron here is the paragraph in whole.
1. governing body: the governing body of jehovah's witnesses is made up of brothers who are anointed servants of jehovah god.
The fact that they even hide behind that pretense, that fake and paper-thin humility, raises so many red flags. Honest people wouldn't do that, they would own that they lead the organization. The fact that the Governing Body won't definitely hints at a conscious effort to disguise who pulls the strings at the matinee. And why do that if your motives are as pure and selfless as they say?