Xanthippe, couldn't agree more, hard work only gets you anywhere if you're in the right context... People work their asses off on plantations, in factories and fast food restaurants and fhe homes of the rich where they work as servants, and still live in abject or relative poverty. And coming from men who sit around a state park all day, talking about quote-unquote spiritual realities (questions which boil down to how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, I mean how does Gog and Magog factor into any practical everyday reality lived by any Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide) makes that kind of pull yourself up by your bootstraps line sound all the more hollow and feeble.
It's not like the Governing Body doesn't work at all: they meet with the entire body and whatever committees they sit on, they edit or approve documents, they visit and audit branches, they give speeches, but in doing all of that they enjoy a pretty cushy lifestyle with frequent visible and invisible perks, international travel, good liquor, green handshakes, that kind of thing. At times I get the sense that this work really just gives them an opportunity to see the world and enjoy it in moderate style.