It's another one of their feel special things, we're not a denomination of Christianity we're Christianity restored. As far as I'm concerned that's all it cones down to.
JoinedPosts by john.prestor
The phrase "one of Jehovah's Witnesses"
by Ding injws don't say, "i am a jehovah's witness.".
instead, they say, "i am one of jehovah's witnesses.".
what does the second way of saying it convey that the first does not?.
Lawsuit against the Watchtower for child abuse issue accepted in Quebec(Canada)
by yalbmert99 inhi everyone, i got the news that the lawsuit against the watchtower for the child abuse issue has been accepted in quebec(canada).
that means it can proceed further.
it is a first victory.
We came up with child sex abuse because we didn't want to go knock on doors?
I'm leaning towards troll. You can't be this stupid and callous. I refuse to believe you're this stupid and callous.
And that's all I'm going to say about that, enjoy your weekend. I'm gonna get a cup of coffee and start my day.
I Phones At Bethel Going On The Internet Umonitored
by Brokeback Watchtower ini would have to say now that practically every has one what do you think this will means for situations at bethel, will more and more get wise that the governing body are just conmen?
i think things are already very unsettling with all the leaked private information from so many sectors of the watchtower corporation's confidential stuff on the internet to me bespeaks something major is in the works back there in the spiritual pair dice..
I agree completely. Too many people can access too much information, it's that's simple. The Governing Body want everything by the book or by the letter or the video these days, it's not word-of-mouth where you just deny you ever said, and that means sensitive information gets spread abroad to lots and lots of people. They're more deluded than they come across already if they think they got enough fingers to plug all the holes holes they drilled in their own ship.
Lawsuit against the Watchtower for child abuse issue accepted in Quebec(Canada)
by yalbmert99 inhi everyone, i got the news that the lawsuit against the watchtower for the child abuse issue has been accepted in quebec(canada).
that means it can proceed further.
it is a first victory.
Oh Rattigan like 'Rat again,' another rat who snuck in? Heh. Kinda clever if that's what he's going for...
I Phones At Bethel Going On The Internet Umonitored
by Brokeback Watchtower ini would have to say now that practically every has one what do you think this will means for situations at bethel, will more and more get wise that the governing body are just conmen?
i think things are already very unsettling with all the leaked private information from so many sectors of the watchtower corporation's confidential stuff on the internet to me bespeaks something major is in the works back there in the spiritual pair dice..
I mean I don't know how these things work, somebody could ask Atlantis if he's willing to share but honestly it's probably better he doesn't, but all you need is a flash drive, I can't imagine you can trace those or know who they belong to when you stick them in a port, and all you need is two minutes to copy the files you want when Brother Superior goes to make a cup of coffee or use the bathroom. And then you just leak it through your own data plan instead of using the Warwick Wi-Fi that 'responsible brothers' so 'lovingly' monitor.
You can't keep secrets forever. The more secrets you have, the more secrets get out.
WT-Closing In On 50 Subpoenas!
by Atlantis inmore subpoenas have been added.
so the watchtower is getting close to 50. i think there are about 44 of them listed here.
brumley the witchhunter!.
Man the faithful slave sure does put donated funds to good use. Child sex abuse lawsuits and settlements, business class flights, best lawyers in the country, I mean how much more faithful could they be?
Ending Bible Study
by Maria Nieves ini have been studying with jehovah's witnesses for approximately two years.
initially, i liked the studies and felt that i was growing closer to god.
however, as the studies progressed, they seemed to become increasingly negative and i did not like what i was being taught.
Incognito, well said. It means at some level you worry that they'll get angry with you or try to shame you. Real friends don't do that.
Ending Bible Study
by Maria Nieves ini have been studying with jehovah's witnesses for approximately two years.
initially, i liked the studies and felt that i was growing closer to god.
however, as the studies progressed, they seemed to become increasingly negative and i did not like what i was being taught.
You got their number? Tell them by text and block their number, or leave a note on the door that they'll see when they arrive and dont open it when they knock, you don't even need to talk to them directly.
False Predictions
by Sea Breeze inwhat you will not be told at the door bythe jehovah’s witnesses.
the jehovah’s witness (or watchtower bible and tract society) have made the followingpredictions which appear in their own literature:.
1. that jesus would return by 1874. when jesus failed to appear, the witnesses claimedthat it was an unseen, spiritual return.
It's like Jehovah's Witnesses suffer from this bizarre collective amnesia where they just forgot that they hear the same thing all their life and heard it for years if not decades. Personally, I think they either tune it out because they hear it so often or more likely if they call it to mind they get embarrassed that they believed these kind of prophecies so when they fail it's easier to just pretend they never believed them and the leadership never said them because the alternative means feeling gullible or, and this one's even scarier, maybe the faithful slave don't know what they're talking about. And then they go on to dupe others whether they mean to or not, and make excuses to themselves like Even if it's not true it's still the best way of life, that kind of thing. Which is patent nonsense...
Lawsuit against the Watchtower for child abuse issue accepted in Quebec(Canada)
by yalbmert99 inhi everyone, i got the news that the lawsuit against the watchtower for the child abuse issue has been accepted in quebec(canada).
that means it can proceed further.
it is a first victory.
Rattigan350, are you joking? Do you live under a rock?