'Woke' isn't limited to one political side though.
To me, it means to pretend to be virtuous but actually being a hypocrite. It's cheering at the downfall of a celebrity you disagree with, but being shocked when your own behaviour is called out in the same way.
It's self righteousness, labelling yourself a Good Guy but using your own measurements to do so.
A good example would be George Takei, mega woke, used to tweet incessantly about believing all victims during the Me Too movement. Then an accusation was made against him, and he argued that you believe all victims just not the one who accused him 🤣
Lloyd is a great example because he paints himself as some almighty moral guide, know it all, crusader for the downtrodden, white Knight in shining armour, judges everyone around him etc etc. But he's actually just a large hideous sex obsessed misogynist who cannot handle an ounce of criticism directed at himself.