At one time I used to think that this kind of protest was not very productive, and I don't think it was, a few years ago, but now I am sure its time has come !
Phizzy, I was exactly the same, but after looking at the evidence, it is very different from the days of old.
When I was younger we used to be terrified of apostates and would see this group of people, ranting and shouting and we would keep our heads down and get inside the safety of the convention as quickly as we could and that was our only experience of "apostates".
They were almost like the Boogy Man for JW kids.
Now, as i saw in the videos, the protests are peaceful, good natured, friendly and point to a safe place where people can look at more information about the cult if they want to.
The Internet makes it much easier to give a more credible and informative explanation of what they are doing, rather than a 2 minute rant from 'scary people' that I used to see when I was young.
I think that you are right....and I am sure that the time has now come for effective protesting.
Thanks to Josephus and my own research, my viewpoint now, is the complete opposite of what it was 24 hours ago.