BTTT... hope you're able to watch, comment and share on our two reworded Pink Floyd classics, Mother and Wish You'd Disappear.
Also, I really like this tune too; also a reworded version of a classic with sentiments many of us might share.
ink void's latest based on pink floyd's classic wish you were here..
so "women make monkeys out of men" and the common courtesies of civilised society make a man "effeminate".....and that is enough to have a man barred from the kingdom.... (the kj version uses that word in 1 cor.6.9 but other translations apply it to homosexuality).
mother's day is denounced as a scheme of satan to idolize one's mother at the expense of worship to god!.
now it would be easy to dismiss this baloney as just a rant from jfr, but - this is not just an aside on the back page of a magazine or a small article in the "golden age", it is a main study book and is a serious discussion of the prophetic book ezekiel chapt 13....this was the doctine of the time .. i woder how the 'sisters' reacted?
This is funny because WT calls the organization "Mother".
They do, don't they... the Watchtower Society is the kind of 'mother' / 'woman' who does make a 'dupe' or 'monkey' out of a man (or woman), making him loose his 'manliness' and 'sturdiness'. A 'scheme of Satan' indeed...
If you havn't seen it already, here's InkVoid's song of homage to that corporate 'Mother' showing just how she cut down her 'children', gave them hopes they'd never realise, fears they could never forget and created dangers that hurt or killed too many.
Ink Void - Our Spiritual Mother
'There have been many good mothers of men, and many bad ones':- Vindication
zed's thread on powerful albums got me listening to darren hayes after ages and i decided i would like to dedicate this song to the borg.
step into the light.
you might like our new song on you tube titled '0940 our spiritual mother' about the experience her 'children' have had as jehovah's witnesses.
it's a reworded version of mother (pink floyd) set to new and historic watchtower images.. some who've already seen it have been kind enough to describe it as 'incredibly sad', 'powerful' and even 'poignant'. .
i have heard it all now, or at least up to now, the borg never ceases to surprise me.
so when jesus was talking to his deciple from the cross (opps stake), "this is your mother" or something like that, was he talking about the borg?
The last District Convention had a talk at 9.40am on Saturday called 'Our Spiritual Mother' all about how the WTS is the 'Mother Organization' for JWs. That led InkVoid to think about what kind of mother she was putting her kids in harms way all the time over blood, politics, shunning and letting families fall apart, being too weak on child abuse and a host of other failures.
Pink Floyd sang about a mother too, so we borrowed the idea and tailored he words to the Watchtower Mother.
Here are some of the comments here and on You Tube:
Please: watch, enjoy, comment and share...
ink void's latest based on pink floyd's classic wish you were here..
says a woman on a y!a forum.
of course no witness would say they weren't happy .
by the waaaaaay.... .
i have friends in very cool jobs.
my world interacts quite often with music stars, and i have interesting conversations.
for instance, i was talking with the members of animal kingdom, and asked the lead singer about the lyrics i picked up while listening them perform for the group a few minutes earlier... i felt stupid because i hadn't realized the name of the song, and only had caught a few lyrics... he wrote of mephistopheles.
ink void's latest based on pink floyd's classic wish you were here..