Don't hold it in, Diogenesister! Let us know how you really feel!
And Merry Christmas, everyone.
so for those amongst us who celebrate the season .
merry christmas everyone.
.. jan from tam .
Don't hold it in, Diogenesister! Let us know how you really feel!
And Merry Christmas, everyone.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Yes, he has had a rough two years now. I feel bad for him, the way Kim dragged him to Thailand and threw him at those sex workers, that wasn't very nice. But at least she made sure to verify that they were 20 or older, so she's not entirely evil.
So, I hope you are happy with yourself, Kim.
And also, happy holidays!
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
He also works hard to scrub the YT comments on his videos. It's a relatively minor thing, but it can enforce the sense of a tight-knit community sheltering against its enemies.
Speaking of relatively minor things, I'm not so sure the Croatian police will make much of an issue of Evans not being home or having the wrong home address for his legal correspondence. That is probably the sort of thing that can be ironed out quickly and painlessly most of the time. If the courts in Croatia are that manic, I don't think they'd be able to get anything done, spending all of their time tracking down deadbeats both real and imaginary.
And I am sure that they will be sensitive to his concerns over his mental health.
decided i’m going to go out with a bang.
just posted a merry christmas meme on my watsapp status.
in portuguese but it’s very clear what it means with the baubles etc…... i will keep you posted on people’s reactions.
They may not know how to react. Or as slimboyfat said, they have quietly decided to avoid you from now on. It's not the worst way to do it, as it avoids any unpleasant confrontations, at least online.
decided i’m going to go out with a bang.
just posted a merry christmas meme on my watsapp status.
in portuguese but it’s very clear what it means with the baubles etc…... i will keep you posted on people’s reactions.
Yep. Keep it short and to the point, so that you don't have to waste time being condescended to. If you're in a position to walk away, it's a lot better IMO. You get to start working on the life you want to live and not the one you are ordered to live.
And you can always remind them- they are the ones who are turning away from you. You have no restrictions on talking to them or having them in your life. They are the ones following the order to avoid you.
okay people, you know the drill.
give us your best estimate for where jabba the hut's fatter, broker cousin will be with patrons on january 2.. some numbers to consider:.
last september is when he did his beg-fest and peaked at 478. just two months later, early november, he was down to 427. .
Did Patreon change the way it tracks support? It's rare for the numbers to change much before month-end, isn't it?
i was watching a video about wt and money and the "brother" refers to the "spirit directed organization.
" he also says they use donations wisely and modestly.
are the gb so deluded and therefore their followers?
Tony Morris: "Of course it's a spirit-directed organization! Why do you think I was buying all of that booze?"
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
I'm determined to spend some time with you amazing folks...
"...because as you know, I don't ever seem to have any time to myself. It's just work, work, and more work, I can barely stand it! So I'll pencil you all in for a short Zoom call and then I need to see about taking a short 'mental health break' right afterwards.
Speaking of which, are any of you fine people feeling a bit generous this holiday season?"
i read an interesting interview with billionaire warren buffet's sidekick, billionaire charlie munger.
good read, this grandpa agrees 1000% with his advice.
i wish i had learned earlier to realize almost everyone lies...(sometimes to themselves) but especially, all politicians and religious leaders.. what advice would you as a grandparent add?".
Learn to plan, and get into the habit of making plans.
A lot of life advice is tricky, because there are things we will only learn through experience, sometimes painful experience. And we cannot plan our whole lives because life is all about the unexpected moments, the ones we are not prepared for. But being prepared is a bit of simple advice that can be understood from the start, can be easily demonstrated, and forms a very useful lifelong habit.
richard dawkins revealed that he celebrates christmas on radio four's today programme.. here is is quoted as saying: .
'i am perfectly happy on christmas day to say merry christmas to everybody,' dawkins said.
'i might sing christmas carols - once i was privileged to be invited to kings college, cambridge, for their christmas carols and loved it.
When I was a JW, I would never have taken part in any non-Christian observance (and frankly, as a JW I never took part in many Christian observances). To me, it would have been testing Jehovah and possibly stumbling non-JWs.
Not being religious, I don't feel that restriction or concern. I don't seek out religious observances (old non-habits die hard!) but I don't feel uncomfortable around them anymore.